Mama's Hand (Part 2)

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A kid? Me being pregnant? Oh Kaden honey you're so gullible. Since taking trying to take that test it's been a few days, Spencer has finally come home now. And my sickness is finally gone thank god.

"How was the case?" I sipped on my tea, "Same as always, Derek chased down a killer, I did coding ya know usual." Spencer chuckled, "So I was thinking since we get a 2 week work vacation this year in a couple days we should go to Vegas.", "Why Vegas?", "Spencer, you know why.", "Kay I really don't wanna see her.", I sighed knowing when it always came to his mom he never wanted to do anything, he didn't wanna give up on her. He just hates seeing her like that.

A few days had gone by and today we were packing, Derek invited us to Florida for a beach Vacation, Spencer quickly accepted so he wouldn't have to do Vegas. "Hey Spencer can you get my toothbrush out of the bathroom." I called from the living room. "Yeah."

~Spencer's p.o.v~

"Hey Spencer can you get my toothbrush out of the bathroom." Kay called from the other room, "Yeah." I headed to the bathroom, grabbing her toothbrush it slipped out of my fingers landing by the trashcan— picking it up I saw a pink box with the a pregnancy label, it looked as if Kay had tried hiding it from me but she didn't to a very good job. My heart started racing, "Spencer!", "Coming!" I quickly shoved the box back into the trash and ran out of the bathroom, "ok I think we have everything, let's go." Kay smiled at me

On the plane it was pretty silent, Derek was sitting a few rows behind us, Kay had a book in her hand, it was a murder mystery book. I just kept thinking about the pregnancy test if Kay was pregnant I really don't know what I would do, I'm not ready to be a dad. Is she even ready to be a mom? I wanted to turned towards her and ask something but she looked way into her book and I didn't want to ruin this vacation.

~Kadens p.o.v~

Arriving in Miami, it was hot but it felt amazing, time to get a tan and take a lot of great pictures, we quickly arrived to the hotel and the first thing everyone wanted to do was head to the beach. I grabbed my bathing suit and headed to the bathroom to change, pulling down my leggings and panties I quickly noticed red on my lace panties. "Ugh just in time." No wonder I felt sick. My stupid period, I haven't been tracking lately because of being sick, I quickly stuck my swim suit on and walked out. Spencer sat on the bed he looked really down, but I didn't know about what. "Meet you at the beach." I didn't wanna ask him because bringing it up might just hurt him more, maybe it was his mother..

Our hotel was right by the beach, so it took us about 5 minutes to walk to the shoreline. Derek was already there scoping out the ladies. "You're so gross you know that.", "Hey I'm single so shush.", I just rolled my eyes, looking behind me I saw Spencer walking up. "Hey pretty boy, wanna be my wing man tonight.", "Don't think Kaden would like that." Spencer chuckled, "Yeah Derek how dare you.", "I promise Kay I'll bring him back in one piece.", "you can only have him for one hour.", "Deal." Derek and I laughed.

~Spencer's p.o.v~
For some reason I was happy about going out with Derek tonight maybe I needed guy time, it was about 7p.m, Kaden said she was just going to head out to the restaurant that was down stairs since it was ladies night. Derek wanted to go to a Bar down the street he's been before and said it's the place to go in Miami.

"What do you want to drink Reid?", "Uh just water?", "Pretty Boy, We are in one of the hottest city's and you want water?", "Yeah.", "He'll have a rum and coke."

"So what's up man, you and Kay? Leaving the married life." I could tell he wasn't really interested in my conversation he wanted the girl at the bar she was a blonde, a fake blonde. She was about 5'7, 5'10 with her heels.

"I think Kadens pregnant.", "What!?" The music was too loud at this point for Derek to hear. "Hey Reid I'll catch you in a bit." He patted my shoulder, I just got up and headed over to the bar, taking a sip of my drink, that last sip hit me, and my vision was a bit blurred. "Hey." A women spoke aside me, I looked over and for a second I thought it was Kaden "Hey there." , I smiled at her, "Wanna buy me a drink." Her lip puckered out, "Uh sure." I felt as if I was losing my balance.

~ Kadens P.O.V~
After taking a shower I looked at the time it was already midnight, I texted Spencer and Derek asking if they were ok. But I heard nothing back.

I walked over to my suitcase, grabbing out a shirt, while quickly pulling it out a pink box fell out. I brought an extra pregnancy text just in case I wanted to take one for real this time.
"Guess I won't need you." I sat on the bed and thought for a moment, people take them for fun right. "Kaden are you serious?" I laughed at myself

I quickly ran to the bathroom to pee on the stick, and while waiting those 3 minutes and waiting for that negative sign it felt like the longest wait of my life.

~Spencer's P.o.v~

It was the next morning, I woke up at what I'm guessing 8a.m, I looked over and saw brown hair, I got home safe. I smiled to myself when I was fully awake I realized this wasn't the hotel room.. My heart was beating fast, I got out of the bed quickly and the girl next to me sat up. "Good morning."

"What have I done?"

~Kadens p.o.v~

~a few hours earlier~

The three minutes have finally gone I walked back over to the test already knowing what was to come. I picked it up.. and what I saw isn't what I expected.

"Two blue lines, I'm pregnant."

My heart fell

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