Mission Accomplished

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Glynda POV

I was staying within one of the rooms of a dark mansion, the owner of said room was currently knocked out, tied and gagged within their own closet. Right now, my team and I had infiltrated the home of one of the bosses of a small cult that had been recently terrorizing the town. Rumors were she was a fanatic, a crazy woman.

The plan was to have (y/n) distract the owner while his twin and her partner, James, would secure and acquire the data. I was to make sure nothing wrong happens to (y/n) so I stayed within a room right next to the Master's Bedroom.

Having to listen to what was going on inside was not a pleasant experience. Each and every time the mistress of the mansion opened her mouth and talked to (y/n), the more did my wish to punch her in the face grow.

Suddenly, I hear (y/n) scream "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING YOU CRAZY LUNATIC!?"

Immediately I bolted for their room and slammed the door open and my eyes immediately went to their bed.

I saw her, sitting on top of (y/n) who was currently tied up to the bed framing, his wide (e/c) eyes looking at me, begging for help.

Now, I could let off some steam.

I lifted her with my semblance and sent her flying towards me, her head a clear shot. I leaned back and balled up my fist and swung at her with full force with the aid of my semblance. With one punch, I knocked the hell out of her.

"HA!" I hear (y/n) scream the moment I threw the punch "We could've been a couple! We could've had something special! But you one crazy ass bitch!"

"(y/n)!" I turned to look at him and see his status "Are you-"

But the woman laying on top of him hid one crucial fact: he was naked. And despite laying down, he stood upright...

"W-wait! Glynda!"



"EXPLAIN YOURSELF!" I said, angry as I thought what had possibly happened here.


"YOUR MISSION WAS TO DISTRACT HER! N-not..." I looked on at his body "...LAY IN BED WITH HER!"

"GLYNDA! PLEASE!" he screamed "Quit looking and get me out of these cuffs! I'm... I'm cold and... the egg is starting to smell..."

"Egg?" I asked, confused on the new information "You know what (y/n), no! You got yourself in those cuffs, you can get yourself out!"

"No! I can't get these off! These are pretty strong bindings alright!"

"Get. Yourself. OUT OF THEM"

"NO! You must've confused me with the 'Amazing (y/n)' doin' pay-per-view shows in Atlas! I CAN'T GET THEM OFF!"

"AH!" I puffed, annoyed over what's happening "I DON'T WANT TO TOUCH YOU NAKED!"

"Well you don't have to get naked yourself... unless you want to! I ain't stopping you"

"I mean touching YOU while YOUR naked!"

Suddenly, a voice came out of our earpieces.

"What's your status down there!? We're hearing a lot of noises from here. We got what we came for so let's leave, get (y/n)!"

Immediately I said my reply "Copy, we're working on that..."

"Is that James!? What happened!?" (y/n) asked.

Unprofessional! (Professionals! Prequel) (Glynda x MaleReader)Where stories live. Discover now