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Violetta's P.O.V

(At The Resto Band)

Vilu-You holding up ok Fran?

Fran-Yeah I'm fine. More drinks anyone?

Everyone nods so Fran gets up to the counter and I follow her.

Vilu-You don't have to be brave in font of me Fran. I know what's it's like for a guy to leave.

Fran-Vilu, stop. I am ok.

Vilu-But your boyfriend choosing a school over you , it's just...

Fran-Marco and I wern't together when he left ok? So I really am over it.

Vilu-You broke up? Why didn't you say anything?

Fran-It wasn't necessary for you to know.

Vilu-I tell you everything Fran. Did you not trust me with this?

Fran-I did but I just didn't have time.

Vilu-It seems like you have been busy a lot lately. Is something going on?

Fran-No. Just drop it.

Vilu-Drop what? What is going on with you?

Luca-Here you go Fran.

Luca hands Fran the drinks on a tray and I pick up a strawberry and orange juice and sip it.

Fran-This tray is heavy Luca.

Diego-Let me help you with that.

Diego takes the tray from Fran and places it down on a table.Fran then sits on the arm of Diego's chair when there is clearly another one. What is going on with those two?

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