Happy Birthday

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I opened my eyes and found a small snore from my husband. I blinked and thought something funny," he snores." well this is something i could pull his leg. He had his hectic work time which made me feel so pity for him. So i took him back to our tree house which is kasol. His birthday was tomorrow and i just can't wait to kiss him on exact 12 in the night.

I remembered how much scared he was when we went back to my place and when he met my brother. I couldn't help but laugh looking how meeky Athu was when he was standing in front of my little brother.

Getting out of the car i found how everyone were looking at us. Athu was the one who came up with the idea of going back to my family and have some cordial relationship with them. I could have said no if not for Shyam, but my brother was the one who stood there fighting for me when i was not there and when Athu came up with this idea i couldn't help but fall for him even more. Shyam came to me running hugging me tight. I couldn't help but adore my little brother. Breaking our hug he turned to Athu. His eyes turned murder. I cleared my throat . He snapped his head to me and gave me "really him ??" look. I kept my mouth shut but gave a small look not to start now.

Mom came to me rushing. She saw me and when she turned to Athu and gasped. I know he was handsome, after all he is my husband isn't he ?? I couldn't help but feel proud of my husband. He held my hand tight when i saw my father coming towards us. I saw him with hatred and he saw me with a smirk. It was a kind of open challenge and i am willing to have one.

"Come inside..." my mother politely called us. Nodding my head i walked with the joined hands of Athu...

We walked to my room which was actually shared by me and my brother. Walking inside he saw my photo which was taken when i was hardly 5.

"You look so same wifie..." he exclaimed making me chuckle. "I am not the same..." i complained at him while he was adoring my little picture.

"You never deserve her..." came a voice making me freeze. Shyam walks inside with an angry face. He hugged me as if protecting me from Athu but it turned out to be amused by Athu. I know my brother was bothered by my decision but after explaining him everything still he speaks this again.

"Shyam.." i called his name.

"Akka..." he demanded back.

"Look Shyam, i am sorry for what i have done to you , to your sister and to your family, but at times i feel i am selfish and when it comes to your sister i am worst. You have her for your life but for me i never had anyone like her. I am so sorry for what i did to you, but trust me she would always be my queen. So would you please forgive me for what i did to you and to your sister  ??" he asked him in a calm voice. My brother blinked. He was spell bound. I pressed my lips and pulled Shyam with me and we walked back to the main hall to give Athu some space.

"You young man why did you say that ??" i asked sitting on the sofa. Gosh i missed fighting with my brother.

"He is not good. Might be not that bad, but not good."

"Shyama...." i wanted to twist his ears but not now. May be later. The house was really silent and i now miss Mumbai and our home there. This time we would be singing something or watching tv something really useless.

Night time mom called Shyam to sleep with them but i insisted for him to sleep with us. I want my brother and Athu to be in good terms. Shyam was sitting in between both of us and was showing me his gallery full of pictures and explaining me everything. Just at times Athu would try to speak but you know my brother would give him nose cut just like i did.

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