Chapter Twenty-Five

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Dillion and I bring out the coffee carafe, the half and half, sugar, and mugs. It just seems easier than carrying full mugs of coffee with my nerves and shaking hands. It really wasn't an option.

As we place everything on the table, I find Alex and Mom in an animated conversation about cats. In Alex's lap is my mom's calico. "You know, I forgot to ask you the cat's name?" Alex says, while stroking the cat's fur.

I pause a moment behind my mom, because I just can't wait to see his reaction.

"Baby," Mom says, proudly. My eyes meet his, and I know exactly what is going on in his head as he desperately struggles not to laugh.

"The perfect name, don't you think, Alex?" I ask, holding his feet to the fire, just to see if he can keep it together.

He is biting his bottom lip, and I'm savoring this moment. He picks up the cat and faces her towards him. They are practically nose-to-nose. I believe he is doing this on purpose, so my mom can't see his face. "You have a perfect name, Baby," he affirms. "I can't imagine a better name for a cat."

My brother asks my Mom to pass him some more bacon, as I sit down next to Alex and take Baby out of his hands, releasing her back to the floor. "Nice save," I whisper.

"Seriously, you are evil. You know how hard that was," he whispers back. "Can't believe they named their baby, Cat and their cat, Baby." He chuckles just thinking about it and I laugh too.

"What are you two giggling about?" my Mom asks.

"Something silly," I say, blowing it off. "Did Dad say when he might be back?" I ask not only to distract her but also because it is pretty crucial to the next part of my plan.

"He's gone out golfing with some friends. He probably won't be back until this afternoon sometime."

"Golf?" my brother scoffs. "One of the worst sports in the world. I don't know which is worse, playing it or watching it."

"You know how much your father enjoys it."

"Yes, because he made me play it all throughout high school. I think it's one of the things that drove me to drink," Dillion teases.

"It's not that bad," Mom admonishes.

"Mom, think about it, it is literally the word flog written backward," Dillion spouts.

This statement nearly kills Alex, who has just taken a sip of hot coffee that he is desperate to swallow so he doesn't spray my mom in laughter. I pat his back until he gets control as he coughs and sputters.

"Sorry, Alex," Dillion says, "but it's true."

Mom just shakes her head at him. She does this often, usually whenever my brother opens his mouth. "Are you okay, Alex?" she asks, genuinely concerned.

Alex nods, coughs, and finally sputters, "I'm fine, thank you."

"Mom," I say, getting her attention. "I want to talk to you about something since Dad isn't around."

Her body stiffens. "Okay," she says cautiously. I hate that this is her response to everything. She constantly lives life waiting for the other shoe to drop. I understand it's a reaction to everything she has had to deal with, regarding both my brother's issues and my Dad's... well, his entire personality really. I just wish I didn't have to bring more drama into her life.

Alex is staring at me, and so is Dillion. The room has gone silent and I clench my folded hands in my lap, trying to summon some courage from anywhere to get through this.

"Liam and I ... we broke up."

"Oh, Cat. I'm so sorry. Why?" Mom asks.

"We've been growing apart for a long time. We want different things... " I say, trying to work my way up to the rest, but my brother jumps in with, "And he's been cheating on her."

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