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instagram: @ linafics

jungkook's pov;

"babe i can't wait for us to get home." she battled her eyelashes at me, her voice being soft and sweet like honey.

"neither can i," as i whispered these words in her ear, i started massaging her thigh and the upper my hand got on her inner thigh, the louder the moans were escaping her lips.

she was playing with my hand, planting wet kisses on it, as a result —taking my attention from the road.

"what's that?" the car abruptly came to a halt, making us both jolt forward, the seatbelt pulling us back.

"babe is everything alright?" arria let out in a scared tone, trying to recall what has just occurred.

"we've probably hit an animal." i guessed, hoping it wasn't anything serious.

"leave it like that, no one cares. let's just go home and forget this ever happened." she simply said, checking herself out in the rear-view mirror.

appearance, that's all she seemingly cared about in these moments.

"i'll go check if it's an animal or something else, we never know," i spoke before getting out of the car, the harsh rain pouring over me.

"oh holy crap," i mumbled to myself when i saw her unconscious body laying breathlessly on the cold ground, injuries and bruises all over her exposed figure.

"it's an animal right?" arria asked, not daring to step out of the car not to get herself even more drenched in the rain.

"it's a girl." i let out, my eyes still not believing how she, out of all people, could be the one i got in a car accident with.

"leave her." arria leaned back in her seat, waiting for me to get back in the car.

"are you fucking serious right now?!" i exclaimed, not believing she was being serious right now. i let out a deep breath before i kneeled down in front of her, watching her carefully. i wrapped my hands around her waist and legs, and carefully lifted her up, trying not to hurt her fragile body even more.

the moment arria saw me holding her, she sighed, knowing i wouldn't just listen to her and do as she wanted. "oh god she's gonna make us so many problems."

"it's a human's life we're talking about! i swear to god you're so-" i stopped myself before i could finish, not wanting arria to cause even more problems than i'd had caused myself.

"so?" she shouted out in frustration.

"just don't start a drama right now, this isn't the right moment." she shot her mouth after hearing my words, understanding that staying silent is the least she could do right now.

i laid her down on the backseat, examining the injuries she got. there were some scratches on her forehead and some purplish bruises on her legs and arms, along with some not so deep cuts. her lower lip was bleeding, and i couldn't help but stare at her with pity and compassion.

what happened to her? who hurt her like this?

why was she in the middle of the road, in the middle of the night, all alone? didn't she leave with oh sehun?

i shrugged these thoughts off before going back in the front seat. i started driving at a big speed, hoping it wouldn't be too late.

"aren't we going to take her to the hospital?" she asked as soon as we passed by the hospital.

"no, we'll take her home." i answered in a calm manner, the grip on the steering wheel involuntarily tightening.

"oh hell no." she scoffed, tilting her head to look out of the window. "you're insane."

"so you expect me to bring her to a hospital and tell the doctors she got hit by my car, please don't call the police?" i scoffed, trying to remain calm.

she stayed silent, not knowing if she should say something back or not.

throughout the car drive, i kept on thinking if something happened before the car accident? did he do something to her?

and she's the only one who has an answer for each of my questions.

in less than half of an hour, we arrived home. i unbuckled my seatbelt, quickly opening the car door before picking her up bridal style and carrying her inside the house.

arria was kind enough to at least keep the door open for me while i carried the poor girl in my arms.

"arria can you give me the medical kit? it's in the bathroom on the-" i tried asking but i didn't get to finish the sentence as she cut me off saying:
"you took her here, you take care of her." she said and before i could protest, she headed to the second floor.

"why is she like that.." i sighed, thinking of a room where she could get some rest.

"so.. since i don't know your name, i'm going to call you rapunzel, because you have beautiful hair," i chuckled at my own words, hoping she wouldn't hear the nonsense i was saying. "i'll take you to the room we don't really use, hope you don't mind."

after minutes of carefully treating her wounds, she felt the stinging pain coming from her lower lip. "ouchh..." she hissed in pain, covering her wounded lip.

"it hurts now, but it's going to get better." i gave her a reassuring smile, which she didn't reciprocate.

"what?" her eyes shot open, fear piercing her veins at the unknown voice. "where am i?" her panicked eyes roamed over the room before fixing her eyes on me, her figure instantly relaxing at my familiar face. she recognized who i was.

"shh calm down rapunzel, i'm jungkook, from the earlier auction event,"

"i recognized you... but how did i get here?" she questioned before looking down at her own body. "and why do i have so many bruises? i swear to god if you did something-" she quickly sat up, bringing her knees to her chest before tightly hugging them in a protective manner.

"i would never." i softly spoke, careful not to scare her away. "i found you in the middle of the road. you weren't looking where you were going, and i also didn't see you, so i... um... it was an accident.. i'm so sorry." i apologized, looking down at my own hands, regret written all over my face.

"oh god..." she sighed, feeling exhausted as the memories of what happened today  flooded her mind.

"why were you there? what has happened to you?" i broke the silence as my curiosity got the best of me.

she looked intensely at me, deciding whether it would be a wise decision to tell me about it or not. she let out a deep sigh before speaking. "i ran away."

"from who? sehun?" i asked, already sure of her next answer.


"why?" unintentionally my tone became softer, the thought of hurting her fragile form even more making me become careful of every thing i did.

"remember when i asked you to buy l'incomparable?" she trailed off, searching for something in my eyes. she waited for me to agree and i nodded my head, before motioning her to continue talking. "i did that because from the very beginning i knew he wouldn't buy me a super expensive jewelry just to prove me he's interested in me. something felt wrong and my instincts were proven right." she sighed, noticing her trembling hands. "he's going to be my end, jungkook."

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