12 | late summer night

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A last check if every light is off and she grabs her keys to leave her house. It isn't cold outside but it also isn't hot. The sky's Color turned from blue to red , the angels were baking cookies again like her mom always said. She missed the late summer nights and a warm breeze is touching her soft skin.

She raises her chest and takes a deep breath through her nose as she watches the trees in the sky dance , which left them making a satisfying sound. Just when she is about to close her eyes a sneezing sound comes out of the street next to her house and she turns around with her eyebrows raised. She really heard it? It wasn't just an imagination.

Her sneakers bring her a step forward , now she stands at the corner, not looking around the corner though. Just then a loud car honk startles her.

"You won

"I said
watch me"

They both smile and she walks towards the car , not hesitating to hop in. There is already some music on and she makes a glaring face trying to find out what song  it is , it is familiar. Now she knows where it's from. It's childish Gambino - feels like summer. There's is nothing wrong with that but not a lot of people around her have the same music taste so that was unusual

"Why aren't
you driving"

"How are you?"

"Fine haha. You ask
that question a lot"

"Did you realize
that even best friends
never ask that question?"

She hesitates to talk and realizes that what he said was true. We never ask. He presses his lips against each other making his dimples pop out and starts to drive off , before fixing the front mirror.

"What car
do you have?"

"Bugatti Chiron....
why would you care
if it was mr. Beans car"

"Hey! I would love to
be in mr.beans car haha"

"Ok im going to
change my car for
you then hahah"

"No but like we humans are weird.
If you have a brand new
car you're rich but if you
have an old on you're poor.
And if you have an really
really really old on you're rich"

"That's true"

Eun opens the window and is letting the warm wind play with her hair , not in a chaotic way.

"Where are
we going?"

"I made food. Is
there a specific place
you want to go? Because
if not I already prepared
some places"

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