Chapter 28

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"Good." I replied as I kissed her on the head. She yawned and rubbed her eyes. "You tired?" I chuckled lightly. "Mhm..." She mumbled as she laid her head on my lap. I gently run my fingers through her hair until she falls asleep.

My sweet little angel.

+Kit's POV+

Jeff shook me awake when the food came. "Here baby, eat this." He said as he handed me the plate of chicken and vegetables. I took the fork and started to gulp down the food.

Once I was finished, I thanked the man. "Let me wash the dishes, it's the least I can do for you." I told him as I entered the kitchen with mine and Jeff's plates.

"Nonsense. You need rest. So does your boyfriend. You can take a hot shower if you'd like. I can put your clothes in the dryer." He offered.

"Sure, that would be lovely." I smiled at him. I went into the living room and told Jeff to come with me to the bathroom. He followed after me.

"I'm gonna give you my clothes and I'm gonna take a hot shower. Can you give them to the man so he can put them in the dryer? You can do the same after me." I told him as I started to take my clothes off. He nodded his head and offered me support when I was taking my pants off.

"Thank you." I said to him as I kissed his cheek and closed and locked the door. I turned on the shower and made sure the water was as hot as I could bare it. All my muscles relaxed as I washed away the coldness from my body.

I washed my hair and then when I looked down at the bottom of the tub, I noticed that blood was coming from my side. I looked down and saw a gash on the left side of my thigh. I hissed when I cleaned it out. I got out of the shower and called for Jeff.

"Jeff!" I called for him. "Coming." He replied. In seconds he was at the door. I touched my leg then held out my hand.

"What the hell?!" He shoved his body into the bathroom. He examined my leg. "We need to stitch this up." He said sternly.

He looked through the cupboard and found a first aid kit. "Jeff. You left the door open..." I whispered. He kicked it shut and set me on the toilet. I shivered from the cold porcelain.

He threaded the sterile needle with the medical thread and then gently threaded it through my skin. I hissed in pain and he mumbled an apology.

"All done." He said as he rubbed ointment on the stitched wound. "Um... I kinda need my clothes." I mumbled. "I'll go get them from the dryer." He told me as he wrapped the towel around me. I waited for him to return with my clothes. He handed me my underwear, my bra, my shirt and my pants. I thanked him with a kiss on his cheek. He helped me get dressed since I was struggling to get my pants on.

"There." He said with a gentle smile. "My turn." He added as he began taking his clothes off. Once he was stark naked, he handed me his clothes. "The dryer is down the hall on the left." He told me softly. I nodded my head and proceeded to leave the bathroom.

A soft hand wrapped around my arm. I knew it was Jeff so I turned around and he quickly pulled me in for a kiss. "I love you." He told me. I smiled and pecked his lips lightly. "I love you too." I admitted.

I left him in the bathroom to shower and I went to find the dryer. It didn't take me long, as it was where Jeff said it was. I threw his clothes in and turned it on.

"I have the spare room set up for you folks when you're ready to lie down. I'll show you where it is." The kind man motioned. I followed after him and he led me up a set of stairs. He opened a door and there was a comfy looking bed as well as a dresser and a tv in there.

"There isn't cable around here but we do have Netflix and some DVD's if you need, they're in that container over there." The man pointed to a blue box in the corner of the room.

"Thank you so much mister. I really appreciate everything you've done for us. If you need help cleaning, let us know and we will help. I don't know how to repay you." I expressed. He chuckled lightly and shook his head.

"Nonsense dear, I'm always happy to help folks in need. By the way, the names Bruce." He smiled kindly. "I'm Kit." I replied. He nodded his head. "Well, you enjoy your evening, I'll send your boyfriend up when he's done." Bruce said.

"Thank you so much." I repeated as he closed the door. I heard retreating footsteps and I immediately made my way over to the bed. It looked so warm and comfortable and I was freezing and uncomfortable. I crawled under the covers and let out a long sigh of relief.

After about 15 minutes, Jeff came into the room. "Wow, this is really nice." Jeff admired as he looked around the room. "Do you want to watch a movie?" He asked me. I shrugged my shoulders as I curled up deeper into the blanket. "I'm really tired but you can put one on." I told him.

He nodded his head and threw in a movie. It didn't take me long to pass out once Jeff laid down with me and started playing with my hair.
I woke up the next morning, bile rising in my throat. I quickly jumped up and opened the door, running down the stairs and to the bathroom. I hurled in the toilet and groaned, I despised throwing up.

After a moment I heard footsteps come into the bathroom and I felt my hair being removed from around my face and a soothing hand rubbing my back.

"Are you okay?" Jeff's deep morning voice asked me. I nodded my head and once I regained my composure, I flushed the toilet and rinsed out my mouth in the sink.

"Probably the worst part of being pregnant, I can't keep down supper from the night before." I sighed. Jeff gave me a light smiled and pulled me into a hug. "I'm glad you're putting up with it to have my baby." He whispered as he planted a gentle kiss on my nose.

"How are we going to get back home?" I asked him. He shrugged his shoulders. "Maybe Bruce will give us a ride into town so we can call a cab or find a bus?" He'd suggested. "I don't want to make him drive out of his way just to drop us off in town." I told him.

He put his hands up defensively and I scowled at him. "Excuse me, I know this doesn't really concern me but I don't mind driving you into town. Sorry, I over heard your conversation while I was coming to find you to come get breakfast. I have to go get some groceries anyways." Bruce smiled at us.

"I don't want to make you go out of your way..." I mumbled. "Nonsense darling, I don't mind at all." He said to me. I looked at Jeff and sighed, nodding my head.

"Okay, thank you so much." I thanked him again. "Hey son, how about helping me load the bags into the truck?" Bruce asked. Jeff nodded his head with a short, "Sure thing" before he followed after Bruce to load up the truck with our stuff. I left the bathroom and Bruce told me that breakfast was on the table and that I could just pick a plate.

I was so excited to finally be able to go home.

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