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"Alright class. As you know the school has decided to take in someone who was previously a vigilante as a part of the new rehab program. He should be here any minute now so you better be on your best behavior. You don't want to set him off," Aizawa said to his students.

"What's the guys name anyway?" Kirishima asked.

"His name is-" Aizawa got cut off by the classroom door slamming open.

"Sorry I'm late Teach. I didn't wanna come," the boy at the door said.

He had short green hair, piercings, and wasn't wearing the uniform. Instead he wore black ripped jeans and a grey tank-top.

"Izu? That really you man?" Bakugou asked.

"Katsuki long time no see," the boy said.

"I thought they threw you in the can man. Ten months," Bakugou said getting up and giving him a bro hug.

"They did but I got out. Good behavior or some shit," the boy said.


"Who's the square?" the boy asked.


"Explains the stick up your ass,"the boy said.

"Nah he's always like this," Bakugou said.

"Does his quirk have something to do with yelling because damn he's loud?" the boy asked.

"Sonic has engine calves," Bakugou said.

"Never would have guessed," the boy said.

"Excuse me?" Momo said.

"What is it Ponytail," the boy said.

"You still haven't given us your name?" Momo said.

"Izuku," Izuku said.

"Izuku what?" she asked.

"Just Izuku," he said.

Izuku scanned his eyes across the room.

"Y'all are screwed," Bakugou laughed.

"What do you mean?" Uraraka asked.

"Izuku's quirk is analysis. He just scanned over you guys. Anything that you might be doing right now, he'll pick up on," Bakugou said.

"Yo Frog Chick, what's your name?" Izuku asked.

"I'm Tsuyu Asui but you can call me Tsu," Tsu answered.

"Well Tsu, is this grape looking dude your boyfriend?" Izuku asked.

"Mineta? No," Tsu answered.

"So you wouldn't mind if I kicked his ass for staring at your tits?" Izuku asked.

"Please be my guest," Tsu said.

"Alright Katsuki grab him and... shark teeth, what's your quirk?" Izuku asked.

"I can harden my skin like rock," Kirishima said.

"Perfect. Your coming with too Rocky," Izuku said.

"My names Kirishima," Kirishima said standing up.

"Yeah I'm gonna call you Rocky," Izuku said, "We'll be back Teach."

Aizawa nodded.

"You are just gonna let this happen?" Mineta yelled.

"Let what happen," Aizawa said.

Izuku laughed and the four boys left the classroom.

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