Weekend: Part 1

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Monica's POV

It's finally the weekend! I can hang out with Rachel and Phoebe now.

Rachel: Hey Mon are you ready yet Phoebe just got here!

Phoebe: I'm here!

Monica: Yeah I'm ready.

Phoebe: Hey Mon what are we doing today?

Monica: I was thinking we could first go shopping then go get something to eat.

Rachel: That's good! I do need a new purse.

Phoebe: That sounds fun! Let's get going.

Chandler's POV

I have nothing to do this weekend. I really should find some friends. I guess I could call Monica but she'd probably just hang up. I don't know Ross' number. But I can get his number by calling Monica! I just hope she picks up.

*Phone call*

Monica: Hello?

Chandler: Hi it's Chandler.


Really! She hung up on me? Why! I'll just keep calling her until she picks up.

Why won't she pick up! This is going to be the third time I call her. And if she doesn't pick up I'm going to her apartment to find her.

Monica's POV

Monica: Okay let's get going!

*Ring* *Ring* *Ring*

Rachel: Aren't you going to pick up? That's the third time they've called you. Who is it?

Rachel went to grab the phone.

*Phone call*

Rachel: Hello?

Chandler: Hi! Monica?

Rachel: No it's Rachel. I'll give you Monica.

Rachel handed me the phone and I gave her an annoyed look.

Monica: What.

Chandler: Can you give me Ross' number? I want to do something with him today.

Monica: No.

Then I hung up the phone again.

Monica: Okay now let's get going.

Phoebe: Who was that?

Rachel: It was Chandler. What did he want Mon?

Monica: Oh he just wanted Ross' number so they could hang out.

Phoebe: I didn't hear you give it to him though.

Monica: That's because I didn't.

Rachel: Why not?

Monica: One because Ross is busy today and two because it's Chandler!

Phoebe: Just tell him he can hang with Joey!

Rachel: Oh but Joey is at an audition.

Phoebe: I don't want him to be lonely. He can hang with us then!

Rachel: Yeah! Call him again Mon and tell him to meet us at your apartment. We can wait until then.

Monica: Um how about no! I am NOT inviting Chandler to hang with us! End of discussion.

Rachel: Fine. You and Phoebe can get in the car I'll be down in a second I just have to grab something.

Monica: Okay. Phoebe let's go.

Phoebe: Okay.

Rachel's POV

As soon as Monica and Phoebe left I ran to the phone and dialed Chandler's number.

*Phone Call*

Chandler: Hello?

Rachel: Hey Chandler it's Rachel I don't have a lot of time. Just meet us at the mall in 10 okay bye!

I hung up quickly then ran after Phoebe and Monica so they wouldn't be waiting.

Chandler's POV

Well that was strange. I guess I'm meeting Rachel and whoever 'us' is in 10 minutes.


This chapter got deleted three times!!! Wattpad kept on deleting it. Ugh. Anyways I have a bunch of chapters written but I still have to check grammar, bold some words, check spelling etc. There may not be posts everyday anymore.

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