Chapter 2

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I sighed, watching people pass by. I was at a cafe, waiting for someone. By someone, I mean a complete stranger. I can't believe my hyungs got me to agree with this. Even Jungkook insisted. I sighed once more before turning my attention to my watch.

Where in the world is that girl? I wanna get this done with, fast and hopefully a disaster. By that, I mean I don't wanna get along with her.

I then heard a ding form the cafe door. Oh, someone just enetered. Hopefully it's her. I turned to see not a girl, but a guy covered in blood and had a big bite mark on his neck.


I stood up, alarmed. I think everyone saw this man enter too, cuz all heads turned to him.

"Oh my gosh! Sir! Are you okay?" A worker from this cafe ran to attend to the man.

Instead of answering with words, we heard growls and grumbles. Is he okay?

Within a second the worker that attended the man, was now on the floor covered in blood as well, with now a huge bite mark on her arm that the man left.

My eyes widened, I then heard screams and shouts. The people inside were shocked and horrified by what we just witnessed. But I feel like the screams weren't only coming from the inside. I turned to the glass wall beside me and saw people running to one direction. Soon, it weren't only people seen running, there were also bloody men, just like the one who just entered. And they were all attacking the people outside.

What is this?

My heart was beating fast with adrenaline and fear. I took a step back, shocked of what I'm seeing. People are getting bitten and killed. Wait...wh-what?

One of the persons bitten suddenly stood up slowly. Is he alive? I then noticed something. His eyes, it's all white. In fact, all those bloody men all had white eyes. Did he turn into one of them too?!


A zombie then looked at our direction and soon zombies were running into the glass wall that separated us and them. But they started to come in the door one by one.

I widen my eyes and by instinct, I started running to the back, while people started to scream and panic. I made my way towards the kitchen and saw the employees panicking as well. I ignored them and went through the back door, but went back in immediately after. There were zombies out there too. They're all over the place. I then scanned the room and found one of those air vents.

I looked at the door when I suddenly heard loud screams and grumbling meaning people were already getting attacked outside and that alarmed the people inside the kitchen
Some of them went through the back door which was a really bad idea because I immediately heard screams from there too after that.

I hurriedly looked around again and saw a high stool. I quickly grabbed it and positioned it under the opening of the vent. I quickly climbed it and with a little struggle finally got into the vent. I closed it shut and sat down, finally breathing out the air I didn't know I held in. I then heard a loud bang and the screams and growls became clearer. I concluded that the doors were opened and zombies came in. I then saw a girl under the vent and was jumped by a zombie, indicating that my hunch was correct. A shiver ran through my spine when the girl screamed.

A thought then came through my head. What happened to my hyungs and Jungkook?

Moments later. I woke up hearing nothing. No screams, no growls whatsoever. It was just silence. What happened? I probably fell a sleep.

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