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"Yeah, baby."


"You're doing so good."


"That's right, touch me, love."


"Yeah, baby, dominant me."


"Moan it out."

"Louis, stop," Harry complained with a huff, leaning back on his thighs as he covered his face with his hands,  "You do this every time I try to top."

"Do what?" Louis frowned, resting back on his elbows and angling his head so he could properly see Harry.

"You cheer me on. It's weird."

"And?" Louis questioned, twisting his lips to the side because he really didn't see the issue. "I'm proud of you."

"Proud of me?"

"Yes, proud of you."

"For bloody what?" Harry laughed, leaning back forward in between Louis' legs and laying his body right on top of his, laying chest to chest. Harry smiled when Louis' arms wrapped around his waist, his own going to cup Louis' face.

"I get excited when you top because you don't do it all the time. So it's like seeing a different you."

Harry rolled his eyes at the comment before he was pulling his body off of Louis. "Just shut up and don't say anything," Harry demanded lightly.

"Yes, baby," Louis agreed right away. "Tell me what to do."

"Louis," Harry laughed breathy, slapping Louis' chest playfully. "Be quiet so we can fuck."

"Right, my bad. Go on then, love."

Harry rolled his eyes again and went back to touching Louis, every now and then looking up to make sure he wouldn't say anything. Louis didn't, but every time Harry's eyes met his, he gave Harry the cheekiest smile and a big thumbs up for what he was doing.

It was going really well with Harry kissing Louis to keep him from talking up until the point Harry was about to enter Louis. The second Louis started to feel him, he pulled his head back with another grin on his face, his hands coming up to grip Harry's shoulders.

"Oh, yeah baby. Get ready to fuck me."

"I can't do it," Harry complained, leaning backwards until he completely landed on his back. "You're ridiculous."

"No, no I swear I'm done," Louis promised as his hands came out to grab Harry's ankles.

"Maybe I should gag you so you won't say anything," Harry suggested with a quirk of his eyebrow, really considering it.

"That sounds kinky," Louis smirked, "Gag me baby. Stuff my mouth like you were about to stuff my-"

"Louis!" Harry whined again, covering his face with his hands and letting out a loud laugh. "It's already weird when you say that stuff about me, but hearing you say it about yourself is just strange."

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