Chapter one - the park

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Namjoon sits under the shade of an oak tree, blasting beats from his ipod as he bobs his head. In his lap lays an open notebook filled pages upon pages of lyrics he's written, scribbled notes and drawings. He has a pencil tugged in behind his ear while tapping to the beat with his fingers on the open page.

Sighing, he opens his eyes, "Ah... It's almost dawn..." He mumbled while observing the leafs, on the old tree break off the branches and land around him. One slowly swishes around and lands onto his notebook. "Huh..."

The leaf shuffles and moves around slightly, till a hand the size of Namjoons pinky nail pops out. Namjoons breathing slows as he watches the leaf lift up to reveal a boy the size of his palm, rubbing the tiredness from his eyes. The little has the hair of dark chocolate - the skin of pure sand - and beedy like eyes that hold the confedens of his looks.

"Cute..." Namjoons mumbled softly, causing the little to look up at him. They stare at each other for a couple of seconds before screaming in horror. Namjoon ends up throwing his book off his lap with the little still on it, panting heavily. "What the actual hell!"

He stares at the book that lays face down on the pages, seeing it squirm till the little climbs out from under it and onto the cover. The little glares up at Namjoon, puffing his cheeks out before standing. "How dare you throw me around like a rag doll!" The little screamed at him.

"S..Sorry..." Namjoon whispers while staring at the tiny boy thing. "What... are you?"

"I'm a fairy!" It replies as it watches Namjoon lean forward and poke the side, causing him to tumble slightly. "Careful, you brat!"

"You're just so tiny..." Namjoon comments as he backs off, sitting in the heels of his shoes. The fair rolls his eyes.

"And you're so huge..." The fairy breaths while watching the wind around Namjoon part his hair. The fairy looks around the park before glancing up at Namjoon. "What is your name?"

"Kim Namjoon.." Namjoon replies before looking up to see a girl waving at him from the entrance. He smiles and waves back, motioning 'five more minutes', she nods.

"Who is that?" The fairy questions as he stares over at the girl, watching her rock back and forth on her heels.

"My girlfriend. I'm walking her home from work since she hates being alone after dawn." Namjoon replies as he packs up his iPod and headphones away. The fairy nods and looks up at the human, seeing his hand sprawled out.

The tiny looked at him confused.

"I don't think other people would react well to a fairy. Climb on," Namjoon smiles, his dimples showing as the other nods. The fairy sits onto Namjoons palm and clings onto his thumb, "I'm going to put you in my shirt pocket so, don't freak out."

The fairy nods slightly as he slides into the pocket, sighing at the warmth that's radiating off Namjoon.

Namjoon took his stuff and along with little fairy went to his girlfriend. Tiny boy poked his head out a little and asked Namjoon "Can I know her name?". "It's KiKi." Namjoon said while smiling. The little fairy looked at the girl. "Wah... She's pretty" he mumbled to himself.

Namjoon and KiKi greeted each other and hugged, which squished little fairy inside Namjoon's pocket. "Aish... These guys." boy said and pinched Namjoon's tiddie.

"YAH!!" Namjoon yelped as he jumps away from KiKi, earning a confused look from her. "Uh... Yah.. Yah... Love you!" He smiles nervously while placing his palm against his pocket, patting it hard but slowly.

"Love you, too?" KiKi raises her eyebrow, brushing off Namjoons nervousness as his usual self. "Ready to go?" She smiles.

"Yup," His smile gets wider while holding his hand out, KiKi threading their fingers together in a tight embrace as they start their journey to the shorters house.

After dropping off KiKi and heading back to Namjoons house, he peeks into his shirt pocket to see the fairy fast asleep. Smiling to himself, he mumbled a soft 'cute' while placing his hand underneath the little.

Opening the door to his house, he chucks off his shoes and runs halfway up the stairs before his mom calls out to him. "Shit... Coming mom!" Namjoon places his bag on the stairs before walking back down, seeing his mom glide over to him.

"Joonie, my baby, how was the park?" She questions while cupping her son's cheeks. Namjoon smiles at her caring act.

"Just fine mom," He replies while taking her hand in his. "Did you rest well?"

"Joonie, you should be caring about yourself. Not your mother!"

"Mom, you and KiKi are my first priority. No matter what." Namjoon kisses her forehead before heading upstairs, taking his bag along the way. Once he enters his room - if you can even call it a bedroom - he places his bag on the floor before sitting at his desk. "Fairy?"

"It's Jin..." The fairy spoke softly as he popped his head out, rubbing his eyes.

"Sorry, did we wake you?" Namjoon lays his hand out for Jin to crawl onto, watching the little sluggishly climb on. Jin shook his head while curling up, enjoying the human warmth.

"No, I was awake before you walked into the house." Jin sighs as he's placed onto the desk littered with paper of lyrics and trash.

"Soo... Jin, can you tell me about yourself?" Namjoon looked down at the fairy. He was still in awe of how small the creature was. "Well.." Jin began, slowly running a hand through his hair. "My name is Jin. I am a fairy, but all this is nothing new to you." He laughed nervously. Namjoon didn't take his eyes off the small fairy.

"What about your home?" Namjoon began asking questions to him. "We live in the trees. Our homes are shaped off leafs. We use what nature gives to us" Jin began smiling, thinking about his home.

"It sounds beautiful." Namjoon gave the fairy a big smile. "It is... especially in fall..." Jin smiled back at Namjoon. "But I think I want to take a nap" Jin yawned lightly. "Hold up. I think I have an idea."

Namjoon ran into his little sisters room, luckily she was staying over with a friend. He grabbed the bed from the dollhouse and rushed into his room again. "Here" He smiled proudly at his idea.

Jin looked at it confused, and Namjoons smile disappeared. "What is wrong?" Namjoon asked. Jin shook his head quickly while waving his hands in a cute way.

"Nothing!" Jin hollered before looking towards the plastic thing, walking up to it. "It's just.. What is it?" Jin questions while watching Namjoon grab white sheets of clear paper - tissues - from a box and place them neatly on the bed, fixing it how ever he can.

"It's called a bed. Don't you fairies sleep on beds?" Namjoon watches Jin climb onto the said bed, watching the fairy shakes his head while curling up around the paper.

"No, we use cotton or flower petals." Jin explains as he looks up at Namjoon, his eyes wide with the new information. Namjoons stifles a laugh, smiling widely at Jins actions and curious eyes.

Chapter Two -

After Jin somehow fell asleep, Namjoon was still awake writing lyrics, tapping the eraser against his cheek.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2023 ⏰

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