New Town, New School, and New Life

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Fire High

Full Summary: Sakura Haruno is used to being teased about her pink hair and emerald green eyes. But she is also used to being expelled for beating the crap out of anyone who does. After being expelled for the fifth time for fighting, her mom threatens to put her in boot camp if she gets expelled from her new school. This seems impossible when it turns out the school is full of gangs trying to get her to join and all the men trying to get in her pants

New Town, New school, and a New Life

The beeping sound of the alarm clock did its job as Sakura opened her emerald eyes. Sitting up in her warm bed she looked around her small but comfortable room. The walls were a pale pink and the furniture was a crispy white, her mother had picked out everything much like most of the things in her life. Her moving to Tokyo was no exception. Her mother's excuse was that Sakura didn't have enough friends. That was true, her only friend was a quiet guy named Shino. He was a good friend nonetheless.

But of course that wasn't enough for her mother. So here she was in a pink room with a closet full of girly clothes which she absolutely hated. The only thing that she did like in her room was the dark red bed spread.

Nothing she owned was her choice except her precious iPod and the contents on it.

Sighing tiredly she got up from her bed and got ready for her first day of her brand new school. Fire High had a good reputation for nice students and a friendly environment. This was why her mother had chosen this school.

But Sakura wasn't fooled!

There was no way high school students were nice and friendly to each other for no good reason. She knew that from experience. After all, this was her fifth high school experience. Everywhere she went; people teased her about her cherry blossom hair color and emerald green eyes. She was mostly called a fake and accused of dying her hair that color and wearing colored contacts to hide her real ugly appearance.

But that alone wasn't the reason for her constant change in school. It was because of being expelled. Each. And. Every. Time. Sakura had a short temper so she tended to express herself with her fists instead of her voice, not that that would be any better considering her very colorful vocabulary. She probably would have gotten expelled either way.

But unfortunately her mother didn't agree with her choice of violence and threatened to send her to boot camp if she had gotten expelled again.

So now here she was, praying to Kami she wouldn't lose her cool at this new school.

After she had finished getting ready she looked at herself in the full body mirror. Hot pink skinny jeans, white spaghetti strapped shirt under a black one, her favorite belt and a pair of black converse.

Grabbing her white back bag she headed to the kitchen and greeted her mom.

"Hello mother, how was your night? It's a beautiful morning isn't it?" I asked with so much enthusiasm it had made my mother pause, her cup of coffee barley touching her lips as she raised he eyebrow at me questioningly as she, quite calmly asked, "What did you smoke this morning?" I gapped at her for a few seconds before picking my jaw up off the floor.

"What? Can I not be happy this morning? Is it a crime or something?" A smile broke out on her lips before replying. "No, I just wanted to ask if I could borrow some."

I smirked while scoffing as I took an apple from a fruit basket and took a bite out of it.

"You look cute this morning." She commented, taking a bite out of her toast. I muttered a small thanks before taking another bite of the apple, juice accidentally squirting on my chin. I wiped it away just as my mother spoke again. "Don't forget our little deal Sakura."

I inwardly rolled my eyes before saying "Yes mother, no getting expelled or else I'm going to boot camp." She nodded before standing up to put her coffee cup in the bowl before looking at me expectantly. "What?" I asked.

"Aren't you supposed to be on your way to school? You wouldn't want to be late for your first day of school."

'No, wouldn't want that.' Sakura thought with a scowl as she walked out the door, her mother following behind her. After a quiet car ride they pulled up to the school. Teens already crowding up the front lawn and talking with their friends, Sakura looked at them through the window with dread.

"Alright dear! Have a good day and make lots of friends." Her mother's cheerful voice sang as she stepped out of the car and to her impending doom. She could hear the underlining meaning to her words, 'remember our deal'. Sakura sneered as she heard her mother's sickly sweet voice in her head.

As she walked through the hallways she could feel eyes on her. At first she ignored it but now she was moments away from using her oh-so colorful vocabulary. Calm down Sakura, it's your first day, just ignore them...

Before anything drastic had happened she heard someone yell. Turning toward the yelling she stared in shock. Two guys were beating the crap out of some other guy and no one was doing shit about it!

Two of the guys were wearing matching jackets that were black with red clouds on them. They were really pounding the other guy. Her instincts had kicked in and before she could stop herself, she had launched herself on one of the guy's backs.

The crowd had gasped in shock as a girl with pink hair had jumped on an Akatsuki member.

Unfortunately, she had no idea that what she did next would change her life forever.

She grabbed the guy's head by his strange silver slicked back hair and pulled him off the bleeding kid. Before the man could gain his composure she slammed her fist into his face. There was a noticeable cracking sound before he dropped to the ground unconscious.

Sakura turned to face the other ready to fight and defend herself if she had to but he was just standing there in shock. Looking around she gulped as everyone was looking at her the same way.

It was dead silent.

The bleeding kid broke the silence though by coughing. Sakura looked over at him and quickly grew concerned.

She ran up to him and asked where the infirmary was. Someone from the crowd stepped forward and said he would show the way. Nodding, she followed him the beaten boy in tow.

The boy that was showing her the way had introduced himself as Shikamaru Nara. He proceeded to say that the boy she was carrying was named Lee.

Sakura was kind of pissed that Shikamaru wasn't offering any help to carry Lee but decided against voicing her thoughts.

When they got to the infirmary she dumped Lee on a bed and told the nurse what had happened. She was a busty woman with long blond hair and hazel eyes but she was very kind.

Leaving Lee in nurse Tsunade's hands, she went to find the front office with the directions Shikamaru had provided for her before he left saying something about "Troublesome women being such a drag."

She rolled her eyes at the memory. After five minutes she found the front office and told the receptionist she was new. The lady went to the back and came back with a map of the school and her schedule. But before she could leave, the lady said the principle would like to speak with her.

That's when Sakura's common sense had finally caught up with her. Damnit! She was definitely going to be expelled and sent to boot camp. She had totally forgotten!

Sakura meekly nodded and sat in one of the hard plastic chairs in the little waiting room. With every tick of the clock she grew more and more nervous. She just knew she was going to be expelled. Guess that was the impending doom feeling she had had earlier. Looking up at the sound of her name being called, she got up and followed the receptionist to the door labeled, "Principle Jiraiya."

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