Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Adrianna watched Simon in anticipation as his green eyes darted between the pages of her leather-bound journal. His eyebrows were knitted together in deep concentration. At times, he appeared to be surprised or rattled by the contents, which made her even more anxious to know what was written in it.

After what seems like centuries, Simon placed the journal down and looked at Adrianna.

"Before I translate what's written in these pages, I have to warn you that it gets-um a little graphic," he said slowly. "Like a bit of bloodshed here and there. Okay no I lied; there is a lot of bloodshed."

Adrianna raised her eyebrows in surprise. What on earth could be in that journal that could contain such violence? Still regardless of whatever graphic nature there was, her curiosity needed to be quenched. She waved her hand signaling for him to proceed.

Simon's eyes shifted nervously around the empty library before reading the first passage in the journal.

"August 4, 1993

I am on the run again.

I do not know how long I can hide before they find me. But that might just be the problem. You can't run or hide from them forever. I am only lucky enough to buy myself some time because I know how their mind works.

They are smart, cunning and deceiving. They have skilled trackers to hunt down and terminate the defectors if need be. They do not fail, for if they do it could spell their demise.

Nowhere is safe. No one can protect you.

Just when you think you are safe with a friend or even a government agency, they strike. They take away everything you love and hold dear. They make it look like you're the enemy.

Nowhere is safe, but that's why I'm in Russia. There is one last slimmer of hope with a very powerful man. A man few dare to cross. Going to him means that I have to surrender to him after all this time. The very thought of that leaves a bitter taste in my mouth and my palms itching for a good punch at him.

I am not a woman to surrender to anyone, my pride forbids me to. I've been locked up, beaten and shot at multiple times over the course of my life and I would rather go through them ten times over then to bend at his will. But today I will have to sacrifice my pride to protect myself and the one thing I love.

The limo just arrived at his mansion. It looks like the same as it did the last time I was here. The high formidable iron gates surrounded the estate while his men in black suits were scattered everywhere. While they may look defenceless at first sight, they were not. Each guard concealed a few weapons within their clothes and were trained in combat.

On a regular day, I would love to kick their ass and wipe away his army of men. It would satisfy me to no end to see his arrogant smirk wiped off his fucking face. But as tempting as it was, I actually need to be on his good side, which I was currently not on.

Wish me luck. I'll need it when I meet Dmitri Mitrovich."

Simon paused and glanced at Adrianna who appeared to be stunned from what she had just heard. Her hazel eyes were wide with bewilderment and shock.

"Is this some kind of joke? This can't be my birth mother's journal," she declared after a few minutes of silence. "It can't be. It sounds like a freaking story that someone made up! Yes it had a picture of a woman and a baby in it, which so happens to have the same bracelet that I have, but this could all be a big coincidence."

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