Chapter 2

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"Wow." Said Cotton and Rose.
"It's a rock candy cake." Explained Rose.
"Did you make this?" asked Cotton.
"Me and Roses mom made it." Said mom.
"Don't take a lot because it's a lot of sugar. " Ok said Cotton and Rose.
"I call blue." Said Cotton.
"I call pink." Said Rose. While they ate they talked and talked.
"Mom." Said Cotton.
"Can I try yours."
"Yes you can but it might taste bad because it has extra dye to get it to this color."
"Ok, Yum. This is pretty good." When the were finished eating there cake, Cotton and rose went upstairs.
"Rose." Said Cotton.
"What." Said Rose.
"When you leave. Be sure to ask my mom to take some cake home for your sister and your mom and dad." Said Cotton.
"What about my brother." Said Rose.
"I thought he was in college." Said Cotton.
"Well he is, but he just came home 2 days ago, I just forgot to tell you."
Then they enter Cottons room.
"Wow. Did you just paint it blue." Said Rose.
"Yeah, we painted it 4 weeks ago." Explained Cotton
"It looks really nice, and you moved your stuff around to. I like it Cotton." Rose Said
"Thank you. I picked out the paint all by myself." Cotton said.
"I like it." Said Rose.
"It's 9:35. We only have 25 minutes." Said Cotton.
"Do you wanna go outside." Said Rose. "I guess so." Said Cotton. Then they went outside to play.
"Last one out is a rotten egg." Yelled Cotton. They raced downstairs and outside to there backyard.
"I win."Said Rose.
"You always win." Said Cotton slowly.
"I call the spinny swing thing." Said Cotton.
"Can you push me on it."
"Fine. But you have to push me next." Said Rose.
"Ok." Then they played outside until 10:00.
"Hey Rose. It's time for you to go home." Said Cotton looking at her watch.
"Ok. " Said Rose. Then they went inside.
"Mom!!" Yelled Cotton.
"I'm right here." Said mom.
"Let's go. It's time to take Rose home." Explained Cotton.
"You guys can go ahead, I'll be looking out the window. Rose, here is some cake to take home."
"Ok, thanks, Let's go." Then the went down mill bur street and up roses driveway on to the porch. Ding dong.
"Hello" Said Roses mom.
"Hi mom I'm home." Rose said
"Thank you for letting her come over." "My pleasure" said Cotton.
"Bye" yelled cotton halfway down the driveway.
"next time we need to have a sleepover." Yelled cotton. Then Cotton went home and got ready for bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2015 ⏰

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