CHAPTER 1 ~ The come back

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So i went a new direction with the story, i realy hope you like it , if  not sorry , im going to update as much as possible , but i realy hope you enjoy this. Also this was in some what inspired by the hit show pretty little liars .if you don't like that then go suck some eggs .

Senior year , what more do i have to say. This year will be my bitch, no questions asked. I guess you can say that I'm a little over confident , but its better than being negative. Don't get me wrong i can be a little harsh to myself  , but i rather not be, considering that it  shows a sign of weakness.

In my head I'm in war I don't play fair , and there's only one winner in my head knew this year i had to bring my A-game , or be at the bottom, again.The only problem , "The todo list" , made up 5  years ago by a couple of junior girls who dared the senior girls to do it , every senior had to do it on there own and if they could they would instantly become senior queen, its never been done but that's gonna change this year , you can bet on that.

Next week they would send out the list ,once school started ,then we will have until after prom to complete it.

Summer was coming to end , my side hobbies would be put up in a little box on the top shelf of my brain till next summer rolled around. I had a week  to prepare for yet a another year of hell.I knew I could not waste it either i had to do something to fill my time , shopping , read a book , hang out with some friends  anything to feel the void of time.

After a hour of laying in my bed i finally convinced myself to get up and get active , maybe a jog would  help with lost time . I pulled on a pair of spandex  jogging shorts with my cheer shirt from last year  and a pair of tennie shoes.  I decided not to take my regular route , I went the opposite  way which usually took longer but help clear my mind. I lived in a town called cottonview , it was quite populated, it was rare to ever get a new neighbor or a new student at school though.

The first time we got a new kid  was in third grade , her name was ariann  we quickly became close friends over a shared colored crayon , who would have thought what a crayon could do. But that ended in 8th grade when she finally noticed Parker James ,who was 3 years ahead of us, unfortunately I had too . In all truth I saw him frist , I called dibs but she broke girl code. Who breaks girl code ,lucky for Parker he moved 3 weeks later before war began. That same year was the talent show i decided to sing bound to you by Christina Aguilera and so did she , but I won and since then we've been mortal enemies.

I guess you can say we've never talked to each other unless we are threatening each other , other wise she's nobody to me as I am to her.

I rounded the cornor of my street  maybe 40 ft from my house when I heard a unexpected  voice.

"Well look what the whore house dragged in '' the cool voice of ariann and the laughing of her twisted clones came behind me ''what your other  little hoe jog road blocked ''.

I should have turned around and said something but my house was now  only 20  steps away so instead I turned around and socked her in her over the summer nose job.

"Would you look at that my hand slipped , whoops better get that checked out " i said with a innocent child's voice. "you little bitch " she scearmed through her hands that  covered her nose.

"Why don't you just go home to your little freak show where you belong Sarah" her clone eryn commented as she helped ariann to the passenger sit of her car.

"Whoah lady's  I leave for five minutes and you get my grass all bloody, come on " the voice came from the house which i didn't consider to ask what ariann was doing at a empty house.

The house had been for sell for years  , but i guess not anymore "excuse me, but who are you , I'm  pretty sure you have no right to be in a house that does not belong to you" I mentioned with my arms cross.

"Your  right, other than I do own this house ,hi I'm Parker James I guess you dont remember me  its nice to see you again " my heart stop beating I think I forgot to breath "i ,i , i have to go feed my, my tree " I said  while running in my house like a 10 year old. What was he doing here ,I thought he moved to Florida or ,or Africa, ughh couldn't he wait till after senior year . My god , what the hell happened to him i've never felt that way before , he is nothing I remember , his eyes were so full of something dark yet inviting , he was so well built gosh I could warp myself in him for eternity. What was ariann doing there , how did she know about him being there , did they stay connected all these years , im freaking out .

just as i was about to go explain myself i heard car doors slam shut and a motor cycle rev up , it was ariann and her poesy leaving with Parker. Note  to self , when you have finally realized how big a idiot you are , kill yourself.

I spent the next 3 hours thinking of ways to explain myslef to parker but in the process i feel asleep , i awoke to the pounding at my front door.

"Hang on " i yelled my voice echoing through the house i opened the door to a very sleepy face which belonged to the one and only ..."Parker"?
"Sorry to bother you , i can tell you were sleeping" .
I rubbed my eyes "what time is it " ?

He took out his phone and looked at it  " 10;37 , i was wandering if you have any sugar i seemed to have missed it while shopping yesterday" ? 

" I think so um , let me go look you can come in  and sit while Ido "  i heard the door close and him sit on the couch.

''So what brought you back '' Iasked handing him a small bag of sugar, "my grandfather is quite ill , so i decieded to move back down here " his grandfather was the proud owner of the smoothie shack that was beloved very well all summer long.

''What about your parents "? he looked at his feet " they think he will be fine so they stayed in New York , i didn't want to let him go through every thing alone , since i am his grandson , ya  know" i understood him quite well , my mom had left for a business meeting in vermont , 13 hours away , when my dad got in a car crash coming back from the office late at night when he was hit in the side nearly killing him , they carried him to the hospital only 30 mintues later and i stayed with him for  the last hours of his life when i was suppose to be on my way to washington for a school trip.

My mom didn't  get there quick enough though , the last thing  my dad said was , which was his favorite thing to say, "always play drity , but never play with love ".
I didn't quite know what he meant since I was only in the 9 th grade. Since then my mom spends more of her time soaked up with work than home , i see her every couple weeks , when see comes to rest  or grab something ,other wise its just me.

"Ya , so you going to start school next week " ?

"Acually i graduated 4 years ago I got out a year early, so , no Iwont "  , he wasnt just fine as heck he was also very smart ,someone save me."Oh well thats super awesome, well tell your grandfather I said hello , I hope he gets better".

"Thanks , he will appericate it alot, you should come see him somtime soon , it was nice seeing you sarah ,thanks for the sugar''.

"Anytime" I clossed the door and slowly feel to ground with my back aginst  the door , god help me.

Picture of sarah on the top...SOOO what do you think so far??


Tell me your thougts i would love to hear from you wild flowers!!

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