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Ava's Pov. :

The next day when I woke up I decided to go back to were I was yesterday to see if I can find my mate agin so I didn't wear my black clothing I decided to wear my only other piece of clothing it was a red dress that looked like it had been ripped to shreds and them sewed together agin inside out that and my necklace and my outfit was complete.

The next day when I woke up I decided to go back to were I was yesterday to see if I can find my mate agin so I didn't wear my black clothing I decided to wear my only other piece of clothing it was a red dress that looked like it had been ripped ...

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(Ignore the girl and the jewelry)

As I left I was stopped by one of my kids Bailey asking if she can come with me. Now Bailey is 4 , cute , adorable, and impossible to say no to do of course I said yes she could come and because I was taking her I decided to take Acey as well because she's a baby, and Bailey's sister or so we think they both have curly brown and the same facial features.

 Now Bailey is 4 , cute , adorable, and impossible to say no to do of course I said yes she could come and because I was taking her I decided to take Acey as well because she's a baby, and Bailey's sister or so we think they both have curly brown ...

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So I grabbed my baby out of her basket/bed, and put her on my hip taking Bailey's hand, and started walking to the street I last saw him when we got there we when to the park in the neighborhood Bailey went off to play, and I pushed Ace ( Acey ) on the baby swing. I was having fun until my marks started burning yes you heard my right all of them were burning, but the spider one since I excepted him as my mate when I turned around the the Avengers, and some boy who was probably spider were there I excepted them, and waited for them to talk as I went back to pushing Ace, and Bailey came up, and grabbed my leg. " What's your name " Spider asked " Ava " I answered blankly " Well Ava you obsessively don't talk much, but would you answer some questions about yourself for us " the girl Black Widow asked calmly " Sure " I say still pushing Ace " Ok so, " she started only to be interrupted by Tonny Stark " Those your kids " he asked pointing to Bay ( Bailey ) and Ace " Bailey go play some more on the slide ok , " she nodded, and ran off I picked up Ace, and cradled her in my arms, and turned to my mates " YES , in a way, but not by birth on the streets I'm know as the mother because of my street family is full of kids I look after all kids younger than me Bailey and Acey are my two youngest " I said not really caring " Ok , why are you on the streets " Black Widow asked " HYDRA ..... They kidnapped all of us and made us different " I say looking off into space then I turned to them " Ok, my turn " I state and they node " You know my name but I don't know any of yours well I know little spider's, but I don't think little spider is his real name " I say pointing and smirking at Peter while tilting me head Tonny starts laughing " Good one kid, I'm Tonny " " Natasha " " Clint " " Steve " " Bruce " " Peter " " Thor " " Pietro " " Wanda " " Thank you " I say then put my fingers in my mouth and whistle then Bailey comes running up to my grabbing my hand. Then we started to walk off in turn to my mates, and signal them to come with, and they do they follow me all the way back home Bailey runs of to play some kids come up to greet me, but most stay away because of my mates. I put Ace in her crib, and grabbed my spray paint, and went to the other side of the room, and started my work " Your good, but don't you think you should take it off the wall " Cap said " How " I asked annoyed, and it shut him up " Hey , what was that power " Peter asked seeing I wasn't going to get this done I put my paint down and turned to Peter " Illusions that's my power so I simply made you see nothing that's not even half of what I can do I can easily drive a person insane " I said matter of factly. " Really? That's cool Princessa " Pietro said, and all the kids freeze, and look at him " What " he asked " We didn't ask for these powers; we don't want these powers " I said angry then get a hug from some of the kids " You said we do all of you have powers " Bruce asked " Yeeeeaaah " I said questionably. " Av, can you sing to us it's curfew, and some of the others refuse to go to sleep " Teya my second oldest a 12 year old said " Fine if I must " I walk over to the center of the room were an old chair is Teya came up to me with Ace who was being fussy picked up Ace, and held her against my chest so she can hear my heart beat, and sit down I see my mates standing by the entrance watching me curiously then I start to sing.

By the time I'm down all the kids are asleep I tried to put down Acey, but of course perusal she clingged to me for dear life I walked over to my mate, and said two word that they all seemed to get " Park , tomorrow " I said, and with that they nodded, and left.

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