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"Wake up princess, we're here."
"We are?"

I open my eyes slowly and just stare at the backseat where Hyungwon was sitting. I still had my head leaned against Wonho's shoulder. He strokes my hair. "You're hair is soft." He said softly. "Thanks..."I start to doze off again.

"Oh you can't fall asleep again, get up Y/N, we gotta go check in the resort." Minhyuk nudges, causing me to lightly slap his face. "Five more minutes?" "No."


"No fair, Y/N gets a room by herself." Minhyuk pouts as we all (plus the luggage) squished into the elevator. There was absolutely little room to breathe. [Sings AB6IX's 'Breathe']

"Well.... sh-she's the female, she ne-needs to have a room to herself." Changkyun sayy, squished between Hyungwon and Jooheon. I was in the corner very close to Wonho.

The elevator opens at the eighth floor to let more people come in. The family looks at us weirdly and we just smile. "Sorry there's no room." And the elevator closes again.

"Ugh how much longer until the eighteenth floor?" Minhyuk whines, holding onto the elevator rail. "Ten more floors now stop complaining." Changkyun answers, very annoyed. Indeed, it's very hot in the elevator when there's like a million people inside. I on the other hand could be in the worst position. Kihyun's suitcase was squishing me up on the wall, leaving no room for me to move.

Wonho was leaning on the corner with his arms crossed. He looks over to me and raises his eyebrows. "You look a little stuck." He said to me. "Yeah no shit."

"Language Y/N."
"Changkyun you're not my mom."

Wonho smirks and puts his hand on my arm, pulling me closer to him. The suitcase slightly moves as I moved out of its way. Now I was currently super duper close to my ultimate bias.

"That's better." He whispers in my ear. Shownu looks at us both in a weird way but just ignores us.

"It's so hot in here ughh!!!" Minhyuk whines, having sweat on the top of his forehead. The others have started to sweat as well. The elevator dinged "seventeenth floor" and stopped.

"Umm aren't we the eighteenth floor?" I ask confused. "Yeah positive." Kihyun looks at the key card. "See it says room 1801 and so on."

Y/N: What would you do if you're stuck in an elevator

Lee Hoseok: press the help button, duh

Y/N: we did that, nothing happened

Lee Hoseok: Well I guess just wait until someone from another floor presses the up or down button

Y/N: Wow great

"Why isn't this alarm working!?" Changkyun furiously exclaims, pushing the button numerous times. "Maybe it's really broken." Jooheon suggests.

"Press the door opening button." I say. Changkyun does and a gray wall appears in front of us. "Great, we're on floor seventeen and a half."

"I feel like I'm about pass out." Minhyuk exhaustedly said. "Yeah same." I add as well.

~2 hours later~

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