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{A.N.} The middle dots are there thoughts

Hehehe that rhymed

Authors POV~

Taehyung or Tae, Broke up With Jilly. Tae felt that Jilly was too good for him so he broke up with her but he still loves her after 5 months of that happening. But Yoongi had a huge crush on Jilly for the longest time. Yoongi invited Jilly to the BTS dorm so this is what played out..

Yoongi POV~

I was a good friend of Jillys but I wanted to be more than friends. So i've built up the courage one day to confess to her this is what happened...

Me: J-Jilly?

Jilly: Yes?

Me: Can I talk to you in private?

Jilly: Of Course what is it?

~ we Walk To a room~

Me: I-I

~I shyly look down~

Jilly: If you can't say it just write it down on a piece of paper

Me: good idea

~This is the paper I gave her~

~ I wrote "I like you." just Incase bc I know she is a little slow with these things. I hand over the paper and blush really hard. •God why do i have to be weird in front of her? This shit is already awkward• She starts crying. •Look what you did you done fucked up now she's mad at you, just great just great•

Me: Did I say something wrong?

Jilly: No

~ After she said that she gave me the biggest/happiest hug she has ever given me.~

Me: So they are happy tears?

~I let go of the hug and I look at her with my gummy smile that I know she loves~

Jilly: Yesssss. You don't know how long I've been waiting for this.

Me: How long?

Jilly: Before we met.

Me: How old were you?

Jilly: 13

Me: That was 9 years ago! I'm sorry I kept you waiting. •Holy shits i'm glad she waited for me•

Jilly: Better late than never

Me: So are we going to keep us a secret or tell everyone?

Jilly: How about we just tell bc they will eventually find out.

Me: Your smart babygirl

Jilly: Thanks oppa

Me: Why don't you just call me Daddy?

Jilly: Ok but why not oppa?

Me: Are fans use it way to much and it has no meaning anymore.

Jilly: You smart Daddy

~She got really embarrassed when she said that she just buried her face in my chest~

Me: Comon lets go tell the guys

Jilly: Ok but we gotta tell my bandmates to

Tae's POV~


My heart broke into two when I saw Yoongi holding hands with Jilly. I was trying to forget her but it was impossible. Her just being here made it 10 times worse. All I could feel was my heart ache while they say there dating now. After those words I just went to my room sobbing.

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