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As Rodrick stopped Candy she looked at him, her soft blue eyes looking his figure up and down. "Yes?" She asked, nervous since she had to be heading home. Rodrick smiled softly and replied with "Candy, I dont know if you know this or not but I like you" he paused "and I was wondering if you'd like to be my girlfriend." He asked with an awkward sort of smile on his face, smiling softly at her, hoping for the best. Her response was clear as she smiled brightly and said the word 'yes' she then started to walk home, Rodrick hurrying up to catch her walked beside her until she got home. He kissed her cheek softly and smiled at her before leaving as she walked in. Rodrick almost home her texted her and smiled softly as he texted out 'hey :)'

Rodrick: "Hey :)"

Candy: "howdy partner"

Rodrick: "you're such a dork Candy but I still love you"

Candys cheeks flushed a soft red when she saw that he told her he loves her, of course they said i love you to each other but that was before everything was so complicated.

Rodrick: "you okay Candy? You didnt respond."

Candy: "yeah, yeah, I'm fine, sorry about that, love you too."

Rodrick: "how about you sneak me into your room so we can cuddle? Sound good?"

Candy: "I'm not sure, my parents are asleep and anything can wake them up..."

Rodrick: "guess I have to go home then"


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