Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 - Accepting Power

Izuku couldn't remember how he really ended up here, laying on the ground bleeding out,  a hole where his heart should be. The screams of the terrified heroes and civilians. He looked up at the sky, as his blood started to create a pool around him. For some reason, everything was turning grey, the only thing maintaining color, the blood that poured out of him endlessly.

Everything was muffled and blurry, yet as he let his head fall to the side, not having the required strength to keep it up. He looked on as Katsuki Bakugou his "childhood friend" and bully screamed and struggled... and were those tears in his eyes? Was the boy who told him not even two hours ago to swan dive off a roof, crying for him?


Izuku would have laughed if his lungs weren't filling with blood every second.

'Shit, it's getting harder to breathe.' He tried reaching out to Katsuki once more, but he was done, his body had no more strength. His hand hit the ground, as Izuku Midoriya breathed his last breath.

"IZUKU!" yelled Katsuki in complete anguish, never heard before in the usually prideful young man.


Not what Izuku really expected, but he didn't mind. It seemed he could float around as well. He looked down to see he was wearing the clothes he died in, yet... they were in perfect condition. He floated around looking for something, anything for what seemed like hours, yet he couldn't find a single thing. No sound. No people. Nothing.

He scratched his head in utter frustration and confusion as he took in his midnight dark surroundings.

It was then that he finally noticed something, something so large it logically would be impossible to miss. A large overbearing figure sat on a completely dark throne. The figure wore a large cloak, and where the face was supposed to be was only darkness.

'Getting real tired of the color black...' Izuku thought in annoyance.

Though Izuku could see how he missed the figure, although quite large, the figure stayed completely still, as if it was a stone statue, it didn't breathe, nor did it speak, it just stared at him. Or, at least that's what Izuku thought it was doing.

Izuku didn't know why, but he was starting to get nervous as if the figure was judging his every movement, his every breath, his every thought. After a few minutes of the intense staredown between the two, Izuku finally tried to have a conversation with the mysterious large figure.

"U-um, excuse me?"

The figure still didn't move.

"Do you know where I am? Or, what happened to me?"

The figure tilted its head.

'At least I know it's not a statue.'

"I remember me dying I think, but I don't really know where I am."

The figure chuckled slightly. It surprised the hell out of Izuku. The figure's laugh was deep and booming, and it sounded as if it echoed through the empty atmosphere.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2019 ⏰

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