A Test of Time

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March 25th, 2019

March 25th, 2019

March 25th, 2019..

That was the day I crossed a line. A line that I had been reminded of since my very first memory. A line that became visible every time the house shook. A mahogany bricked haven that became an extension of my ego. Harboring unquenchable anger and pent up frustration that undoubtedly was the result of my childhood. A line that resembled the horizon at sunset, far out of my reach. An infinite body of water keeping me from an irredeemable path. It was a nightmare that felt elusive. It seemed so far away, so unreachable but ever haunting. As haunting as my mother's long looks and her towering judgmental figure. Despite the threat crossing it posed, it remained a distant star. No matter how tall the skyscraper or how high the plane flew it still lingered, faithfully, no where close to me. The idea of it was just a thought you'd weigh at night. If only to consider or to stay aware of the inescapable truth that there was in-fact a line.

A line that I still somehow managed to cross. It crept up on me like a slithering serpent. Tongue licking and lapping hungrily, hissing at me. Imploring me to never forget that despite its illusion of being far out of my reach, it was something that was real. Something that shouldn't be ignored.

The wind whispered to me a soothing tune. Nerves that were earlier rattled relaxed. She taunted me with breathy flips of air. Shoving me in my back toward the sea, pleading that I come closer. Instead, I settled for a large rock, a long ways from it. I stretched my body higher until I was on the tips of my toes. Allowing the knots that gathered from my frightened run a chance to relieve themselves. The cool air soothes my tense legs. Her sharp caress turning into an even more wild unsettling breeze. Through it a voice nudged at me. A small nudge that grazed my head and traveled down my spine. Soon it shifted into a needle-like pierce that seemed to be aimed at my chest. A small pressure came over it. It pulled and pulled until it gave away, cracking open slightly like a hard seashell. It's voice sunk deep into my being, slowly untying a knot. Unleashing a light that was hidden in the crevice of my soul. I could feel it smile wide, and through this mysterious link it's enchanting light called for me to bring forth the sea.

The voice promised to help shut out all the ones before it that dared to oppose my true nature. Small lulls of a lullaby took my mind over. My eyes drifted close. The sound of the ocean waves crashing into the sandy shores met my ears. Smell of salt danced past the water and the sun-kissed ground to grace my nose with a faint warm embrace. My consciousness sunk into the melody, listening to its vow to show those that were lost in the dark who exactly it was that guided my hand. Several long moments passed and the line was getting closer. The wind picked up, almost sounding out a loud car alarm.

A sharp piece of metal slapped me in the face, I was forced to refocus. My eyes shot open in shock. Arms raised on instinct. A bit too late for the metal but just in time for another wild object that hurled towards my head. I ducked, my lower half now soaked. From my position on the large rock, south of the beach, no where near the ocean my ankles were now deep within the salty sea.

Water rose to an uncomfortable height, 12 inches more than it should've. Cars were floating down the street as people struggled to stay ahead of the storm. Homes tilted to the side--lopsided--no doubt from the pressure of the stormy water and unpleasant sharp winds. I stood amazed. My eyes on the chaos around me. I couldn't have done this, right? Near me, by the large brown rock that I stood on was a wheelchair. Empty and abandoned. It struck me as odd.

Through all the commotion that surrounded me, sounds of car alarms, and chatter of people trying to pull each other up on high structures, the wheelchair was the only thing that seemed to bother me. A different voice this time spoke. A voice that asked questions that made my stomach churn. A voice that threatened tears.

There's no hospital near here.

Why would there be a wheelchair?

Who..who did it belong to?

Was someone in it..?

At that thought, my heart lurched. It pattered nervously, turning my chilly body a sweaty lukewarm. I turned hysterically to my left searching for something. Hoping there was nothing. A large dark jacket bobbed up and down in the water. I bent my knees being careful not to fall and pulled on it. Praying that it was nothing, it was. Relieved my heart calmed. The pulse in my humid palms dimmed. Then I turned to the right. And for a quick second I was free and then the next, not too far from me a boy floated.

In that moment, realization struck me. I had crossed the line. My senses become sharper; the smell of salt water surrounds me, leaving me in a cold frozen state, steely taps of a wheelchair, and the presence of dirty blonde hair mixed with the sea took over my being. The whispers had stopped and I was left alone once more. Tears falling. Now, distraught and confused.

That night my father had packed our bags, and my mother stood cautiously in the corner of the living room. Between us the sound of the News could be heard. A report of the tsunami was playing, the anchor speaking.

"...1 dead, 17 injured. Three of the injured are in critical condition...."

Click, the TV was turned off. My father threw the remote back into the couch where he had gotten it from. "No more of that." He spoke to us. Perhaps to shield himself from the truth of it all. From the life that I took, and the line that I had been warned to stay away from.

The room quieted. It's reports are not forgotten. No matter how hard I tried I could not bring myself to look away from her. Somehow before I even confessed, she knew what I had done. Maybe it was the tears that streamed down my face, or my long history of supernatural mishaps. But none, and I mean none wherever on this scale.

"Did anyone see you on the rock?" My father spoke.

"Mmm, I'm not too sure...I ran pretty far from them before I settled on the rock." The floor looked dirty in the dim light. "Okay." He nodded sharply, taking everything in. "Honey, why don't you go pack your things?" I remained still. It was hard to accept that the home I had grown up in since I was a child was a place that I now had to abandon. "Go on..., I need to speak to your mother." I nodded, sneaking a glance at her. Her focus now on father, my shoulders relaxed.


Inside my room the walls were white. Black picture frames adorn them. And beyond it, hushed angry whispers made its way through. My feet buckled over to my dresser, rushing to pull out my favorite clothes. Blurs of salmon pink, olive green, and rusted burgundy made its way into my bag. I place it at the edge of my bed with shaky arms and an unsettled stomach. My limbs moved at a concerning rate, trying to distract myself from my parents now, not-so-quiet voices. I knew what they were talking about. My enhanced ears did not spare me, like many other times. My mother was afraid of me, afraid of the promise my existence held. The only thing holding her back was her mate, my father. A knight in armor, charged to protect me. Fighting valiantly against her breaking resolve. Even though I had flooded the city he stayed faithful and believing, while she was crumbling stone.

At the tip of my cosmic purple covered bed my bag sat next to an unpacked suitcase. I shuffled over, only then deciding to slow my pace and inhaled a shaky breath. Small drops of water dripped onto my hands. I swiped at the source, "I will not cry." I demanded. After I packed my favorite wear, I made sure to get the necessities. I stored them in an entire other suitcase; toothbrush, rag, pads, skin care, hair care, etc.

Knock, knock

"I'm ready." Wood scraped against more wood. "Daddy?" I called for him even though I knew he was there. Still my heart lurched, grateful that he was my knight. I tiptoed over and gave him a long hug. He towered over me by a good foot. Tears threatened to fall again for the third time that day.

"It'll be alright. I promise." He kissed the top of my brown curls, squeezing me in his arms, and pushing my head further into his chest. "I've packed the car up. There's only so much we can take right now. If you need anything later just tell me." He pulled away, hands on either side of my shoulder. "It's time to go."

I nodded again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2020 ⏰

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