Part 1

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         *paperjam point of view 

I sat in my room waiting for Mr.fresh to get here. I was so excited! He was my best friend but... I wanted to be more. But mama was very protective and wouldn't let me date anyone even though I'm 15. Mom says when I'm 16 she will let me date someone, but I don't understand why I can't now! She never dated anyone before error, and they started dating when they were younger then me! At least I think. 

Time skip 20 mins later

Mr. Fresh should be here by now? Where is he? Did something happen to him!? I jumped out of bed and slipped on my scarf and jacket and ran down stairs "mom I'm going to go look for Mr. Fresh" "ok be careful sweetie " mama said while kissing my head. I ran outside and heard yelling down the street, so I followed it. (CLIFFHANGER!!    Jk) 

*Freshs point of view *

I was being beat up by a couple of humans, while I was supposed to be at jammys house. They had my HP down to 0.1. And then I heard a little yell from behind the humans... It was pj? And error!? Error tied the humans up with strings. Pj ran over to me and sat down it front of me.       "Mr. Fresh are you ok!?!?" "I'm totally radical" I said sarcastically. Pj hugged me and I blushed a little. God damn it Why Was he so cute!? 

OK I'm done writing for now I have a headache and it's 2 am. Goodnight guys

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2019 ⏰

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