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For the next couple of weeks me and ross would go to the doctor every week to check on the baby.

One day we realized we were so caught up in all the drama we never thought of a name.

"What do you want to name your little brother?" I asked Rhylee.

"Ummm.... how about ross," Rhylee suggested.

"Ross what do you think" i said.

"I think thats a rossome idea," Ross thought.

"So thats his name Ross Shor Lynch Jr." I said.

The next day the doctor called and wanted me to come in because he thought it was time to try to get the baby out.

We took Rhylee to Rydel so the kids could play.

I called Ross and we went to the doctor he said to go to the hospital. When we went to the hospital we checked in and we started the process.

A couple hours later I was about to have the baby. I was 8cm's dilated. A couple of minutes later I had the baby. This time it was different though, I didn't get to see the baby.

The next day I was able to see the baby but it was so small and fragile.

That day I got to see Rhylee she looked so tired and like she couldn't sleep. I let her sleep with me for a little while.

Later on I was thinking about what was going to happen with baby Ross when he got home. Then I noticed we didn't have anywhere for him to sleep. I sent out the lynches to get stuff for the baby.

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