Blushing ^\\^

683 36 10


I'm still sad that Kris left but I got to be strong for the other members. I can't be a crybaby. I have to man up. But it's just too hard to be strong when the love of your life is gone.

"Ooh~ Fannie, they're playing the Kung Fu Panda movie!" I jumped up and down happily while holding Kris' arm. I loved panda's.

Kris rolled his eyes and shook his head from left to right. Did he just tell me no? Oh hell no he better not have! I release my hooked arm from his and take a seat on the ground pouting. This'll get him.

"Zitao get off the floor." He ordered me crossing his arms. Time to throw a fit.

"Not until you agree to take me to see Kung Fu Panda!"

Ha take that!

"Tao you're acting like a child, get up this instant!"

"No I'm not, you're just mean." I stuck my bottom lip out.

"Whatever. If you want to act like a child I'll treat you like one. We're going home!" Kris was irritated at this point I could tell.


"Tao I said-"


"You're acting like a-"



I can't believe he yelled at me. He must hate me. I had tears welling up in my eyes as I stood up and dusted myself off. I was such a crybaby.

Tear droplets rolled down my cheeks and I sniffle a bit. Why did I have to be so emotional. So what if he yelled at me? So if he called me a child? So... What?

I guess Kris noticed me crying because he came over to me and pulled me into a hug. "I'm sorry for yelling at you Tao. You know I love you."

Our lips connected and we shared a passionate kiss. He always knows how to make me feel better.

My precious Kris Wu.

I blushed slightly remembering of how I acted like such a spoiled brat. God Kris treated me like a princess, when I clearly didn't deserve him at all.

I began to cry once more as it really sinks in my head that Kris is not coming back to EXO. We will never be 12 again. Now that Luhan left as well.

I feel so bad for Sehun. He must be upset. He wanted to ask Luhan to marry him and now he never get the chance too.

I got off my bed and knocked on Sehun's door.

"Sehun?..." I called from the outside. I wanted someone to hold that knew exactly what he was going through.

"Yeah Taozi...." I entered his room and jumped into his arms the tears not stopping anytime soon. "I miss him."

We hugged each other for a long time. I could feel my face heating up of our skin-to-skin contact.

Did the Oh Sehun make me blush? I think he did.


Update. Yay!"

~Huang Mi Jin

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