Ready Player One and Three

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A/N: my go to character is always Oz.


"Ozzzzz," his friend hissed.

The fearling let his eyes dart to his friend, who was smiling at him cheekily.

They were in the middle of class, couldn't he wait?

"Oz!" He whisper yelled.

The yellow cardigan wearing boy just sighed, raising his hand, "may I use the restroom?"

"Ah, yes, go ahead."

Oz got up and swiftly left the classroom, knowing full well that his friend would be on his tail.

Honestly, Brian was a great friend, and didn't act up during class for the most part, but he'd become best friends with Damien as of recent, and the behavior rubbed off on him.

He slipped into the bathroom and unsurprisingly, Brian followed.

"What did you want to talk about?" Oz asked, quirking a brow.

"You're friends with Liam, right?"

Ah yes, the hipster vampire. Oz and Liam were friends for all the wrong reasons. Liam needed sneaky ways to trick others into his beliefs and Oz just wanted someone to hunt with him.

How an actual friendship between them formed was actually unexplainable.

"Yeah?" Oz confirmed. "Why?"

Brian sighed, "I like Liam and want to ask him to prom."

"Then maybe talk to him?"

Brian scratches the back of his neck, "but Liam's just... he's amazing and funny and attractive and I'm just... me."

"Your best friend is the prince of hell, you are not 'just' anything. Besides, I'm sure he'd love to go with you if he got to know you more."

"Any tips?"

Oz's face crinkled in the telltale smile. Without a mouth, it was all in the eyes and eyebrows. "Just be yourself dumbass."

"Isn't that cliche?"

"Despite what he makes others think, Liam doesn't actually mind cliches." There was also the fact that Liam had told Oz about his gigantic crush on Brian. But there was no need for him to tell Brian any of that.


"Really? That's cool! Awesome actually!" Brian was grinning ear to ear, a light pink on his green cheeks. "Uh, is there anyone you're interested in? I want to help you out since you're being nice about the whole Liam thing."

If Oz's mouth was visible, maybe Brian could see the smirk on his lips, "I'll be fine without your help."

"So you do like someone!"

"Yes, and?" Oz was normally meek around others, but with Liam, Brian, Vicky and Amira, he was confident. He was just snarky and sassy around Damien. He saw the guy too much to be scared of him.

Brian's brows furrowed together in frustration, "would it be the end of the world to let me help."

"No, but I know you just want to know my answer for Damien's sake. I'm not saying anything if he isn't going to talk to me directly."

"How did you-"

"Brian, my smarts stat is through the roof."

Brian rolled his eyes. He was the only other person in the group who played video games and so these jokes could only work between the two of them.

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