As A Monster

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A/N: monster camp just came out, but I started writing this two days before it came out so here we are.


Four monsters shared an apartment not too far from school. Four bedrooms, five bathrooms and a pretty decent kitchen and living room.

They were only able to afford it due to Oz being older than time and being able to pawn off shit he didn't want anymore, which was worth millions.


Right. The four monsters were Oz, Amira, Brian and Vicky.

Oz was the embodiment of fear, older than time itself, and he was just a crippling ball of anxiety hilarious enough.

Just this black inky blob that was in a humanist shape, a cardigan thrown over and some skinny jeans and... boots? Are those normal shoes or boots?

His eyes and eyebrows were both white, and he had no visible mouth.

Then their was Amira, a fire Djinn. She had green eyes, dark skin like a night storm, and a tight black mini dress that she wore a red leather jacket over. A jacket that matched her fiery hair.

Brian was a zombie, green skin, dead eyes, jaw on almost full display with a green jacket always on and a normal as black shirt.

Vicky was Frankenstein's monster, stitches running across her blue face and her hair in the classical Frankenstein style.  She wore blue everything.

So they were all accidentally color coordinated.

Long story short, Oz payed for most of their shit because it didn't remotely faze him.

Every morning was the same, Oz already being up since he didn't really need to sleep, he could just sleep if he chose to.

So he made breakfast for the other three and a small serving for his fearlings.

He didn't personally need to eat anything in the first place.

And the four started their morning sluggishly. Them eating, getting dressed, all that fun stuff before heading to school.

Amira never went to her classes, she just found Vera and skipped. Or found Poly and skipped. It was always one or the other.

Vicky attended half her classes before looking for Scott who normally ditched his after lunch. If it wasn't gym, he didn't really care for it much.

Brian and Oz were the only ones who seemed to actually attend their classes, but then again, they skipped a lot as well to avoid people.

A mood.

And this went on and on.

It was their normal.

That is, until everyone caught feelings.

As it happens.

"Alright, I have some clients to charm, are you coming or not darling?" Vera asked Amira, the pet name smooth off her tongue.

Amira flushed at it, and nodded, "of course, charming clients is my specialty."

"Don't go charming to hard, can't have them stealing you away now can we?"

And Amira realized that small possessiveness made her positively happy. She liked being seen as someone close to Vera.

Maybe someday a girlfriend?

Either way, Amira happily followed Vera to whatever illegal shit she was planning.

Vicky was hanging out with Scott as she normally did, throwing a ball for him to catch, never getting tired of that excitement, until Scott tackles her for the ball and they both went tumbling, Scott on top of her.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2020 ⏰

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