The work

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Hello long time it's been...

Recap: RagLak are staying at Riya Aunt's place. They decided to take more responsibilities.

The college was over and Ragini reached the social center of Riya. It was big and bright, but simple, something she expected. She doesn't waste money in furniture, but in the work.

Ragini's face was having a bright smile. She was awaited by the assistant of Riya, "good afternoon I'm Rag..."

"Ragini, I know. I'm Reema we were waiting for you, please follow me." Reema went ahead and Ragini follows her with big eyes, although she knows her, she was nervous.

On the other side Laksh was looking for a good job, which wasn't temporary. It's easy to say but hard to find, he didn't know where to go and end up at the same place before, the construction site. No, I can't take the risk. It's not anymore me, it's us. I have to take the responsibility for both and that means I can't take it easily. He shook his head and looked around, he narrows his brow and smiles finding a way to have a good job with safety.

Ragini was in the cabin of Riya, but she wasn't there, "where Riya A... ma'am?" She couldn't say aunty that's not appropriate in her position now, she is a worker like everyone else she can't use her relationship for her own benefit.

Reema smiles, "she is on her way, you can take a seat." She shows on the couch furniture, Ragini nodded, "thanks." She sat there alone and scared. Ragini was looking around her heart was beating fast unknown of the upcoming, she took a deep breath.

"Ragini are you alright?" She heard the voice and released the breath in relief. Ragini opens her eyes and saw her standing in front of her, "Good afternoon Ma'am."

Riya smiles and lifts a brow, "Ma'am?" she repeats it, "Ragini please get up. Reema, please show Ragini her working place. And give her the file of Ujala."

Reema nodded, "sure, Ragini please follow me again."

Ragini felt good, her fear was gone and she took the responsibility of Ujala's case.

Laksh was looking at crowd of kids, "where is your teacher?" He asked and the kids scared, "we don't talk to strangers." One said and Laksh nodded, "good answer, never talk to strangers or go with them. But I'm only asking about your teacher, where is he or she?"

The kids looked at each other, then they showed to the house, behind him.

Laksh smiles, "thank you!" He said and rushed into the kindergarten, "excuse me?" He asked for a job as a custodian.

They were understaffed, which turned out to be his lucky day, "I'm in college last year. I need a job and thought to teach the kids too, if needed?" He said and tried to sell himself with his qualifications, "I play basketball and I'm a great dancer, if you offer sports to the kids even if not, I can show some small things. They won't get bored."

The head of the kindergarten liked him, "fine, but you have to be here right after your college, these are kids of working parents, which means late."

Laksh nodded, "sure Sir, I have no problem staying longer. I think it's better if I would stay longer instead of a woman, not because I don't trust her, but because of the safety."

Laksh got the job and was introduced to the kids, who just glared at him in confusion.

"You had asked for the teacher now you become one, how?" A little girl asked, "if I will wish to see a princess will I become a princess too?"

Ragini took the file and read it a few times, she felt bad reading the story, she wiped her tears of her face, a small sniff and then she took a pen and paper.

"Well," Laksh bend down on his knees, "If you wish to be a princess then you will be one. Just close your eyes and let your imagination play. What is better than a filled imagination with your own fantasy story?"

The girl smiled, "haan. Otherwise there are so many duties to do."

Laksh nodded, "not only duties, but also the expectations you have to keep / fulfil. I pity on the real royals, sometimes they are poor more than we are."

"Haaw!" The kids were confused, "how?"

Laksh smiles, "they don't have privacy."

The kids hits with their hands on their own foreheads.

"Hey I love my privacy." Laksh said and the kids laughed accepting him.

Ragini was making notes:

- she got beaten up by her husband and had a miscarriage.
- she was forced to marry him
- he is a drunkard
- it's the 2nd miscarriage

Ragini felt very bad. This case is so painful, she was pregnant again, with a girl. How could he do this?

Riya was looking at Ragini through her cabin window. I know Ragini it's a tough case, but you have to see the reality life isn't always bright there are many people suffering from pain unknown from the rest of the world. We are the only source to get them their justice.

It was late in the night and they had reached back home, even Laksh was back, he has folded the clothes.

Ragini and Riya were surprised, but he was chitchatting with the maid, whom he helped.


Laksh turned and saw them, "Hi!" He said not waving with his hand, but wiggling with his eyebrows.

Ragini smirks, "mister is the food ready?"

Laksh smile fades. "Sorry Ma'am I don't know?" He shrugs and the maid taps on his shoulder, "ready."

Laksh smiles, "ready," he said sharply, "you two go and get fresh we will serve the food."

It was clear, he was in good mood for a reason they only could imagine.

Ragini put the file on the desk, she looked again on her notes. Will Laksh beat me too? She shook her head and shrugs off her thoughts. Oh God what I am thinking? He isn't like this. She drunk the water and went down after changing the clothes, which got an upgrade. Ragini and Laksh bags have reached.

Laksh was serving them the food and they looked at him, "what happened?" They asked and he told them about the job.

"I saw the kids playing around alone and took the initiative and went straight to the kindergarten." He winks and they smiles, Ragini was the happiest of all.

It was quite late and they went upstairs to their room, both were trying to sleep. But both couldn't as there was something missing, Laksh had asked her, but she remained silent about the case, she had to maintain the privacy of the victim. But that wasn't the reason, both were restless sleeping on one bed yet separately from each other.

Laksh was at the left side of the bed while Ragini on the right side, she pouts and turns, "Laksh!" She shouts and he frighten.

"What?" Did I disturbed her sleep because of my restlessness?

"I can't sleep," she moves closer as he had turned his face toward her, both were face to face.

"Even I can't sleep." He said and she placed her hand on his cheek, he smiles, but soon moans, "ouch!" She hit him but playfully.

Ragini pulls him close, he was in the middle of the bed and she rolls over him, she took his hands and placed them over her as if he was hugging her from back, his hands were resting on her belly and both fallen asleep in minutes, inhaling the fragrance of each other.

thisis_sonja also wirklich 🤣 Tag mal welche falls keine Benachrichtig kommt 🤣😝😜

Mr. Ragini Kapoor & Mrs. Lakshya Khanna (Under editing - Completed) Where stories live. Discover now