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Ren Hakuei is a beautiful woman; (Y/N) can't really deny that fact as she watches the princess walk up to her and Sinbad with regal grace only those of noble blood possess. She wears a delicate smile on her kind face, but her light blue eyes gleam with certain disturbing mischievousness, (Y/N) does not fail to notice.

"My king, my queen." Greets Hakuei with a respectful bow of her head, finally standing before Sinbad and his consort, whose (E/C) eyes are narrowed in slight, yet noticeable hostility. "I am glad you found the time to meet with me."

Sinbad flashes her one of his coquettish smiles, leaving (Y/N) with a wave of jealousy washing over her, crashing down upon her in a flood of rage  as she nods her head politely in the princess' direction.

"The pleasure is all mine."

Her husband gestures the two females to take a seat at the long cherry-wood table in one of the palace's smaller conference halls, before he beckons Ja'far to bring the stack of documents which are ought to be signed in order to close the deal Sinbad had already struck with the Kou's princess.

"Are you really sure you want to go through with this, miss Hakuei?" Sindria's king asks in a grave tone of voice as he sits down across from the raven-haired woman. Out of the corner of her eye, the queen watches her glorious husband's handsome face with intensity and wariness; he looks somber and serious, yet there's a glint in his mesmerizing amber eyes, she can only interpret as flirtation.

"Of course, my king. It is in my, my country's and everyone's best interest to help you build the nation you're dreaming of. You will bring peace and equality to this world, creating a nation without boundaries and trading limits; therefore, bestowing the funds and riches I inherited from my late father upon you, is the least I can do to help you accomplish that noble goal of yours." Hakuei says with that charming smile of hers on rosé-painted lips, blue eyes sparkling in the sunlight flooding the room, as her determined gaze locks onto Sinbad's.

(Y/N) has to admit that she is good with words but not that brilliant at feigning humbleness. Behind her mask of polite coyness linger hideous emotions like want and greed for not only power, but her husband, too. The princess appears to be one of these she-wolves in a sheep's clothing, always surrounded by a serene and innocent aura when, in fact, their true nature is defined by wickedness and factitiousness.

She has been with Sinbad for such a long time now, that she developed a certain skill for spotting this particular type of woman the moment she first locks eyes with them.

(Y/N) would be lying if she said, being the woman at Sinbad's side and loving him was easy. From the day she first met him, he had always been surrounded by beautiful girls and women, who could've replaced her place at his side a long time ago.

But he never did replace her with anyone else, for which she was, and still is, beyond grateful. His commitment and devotion to her, are what makes (Y/N) forgive his unfaithfulness, his promiscuity and debauchery, tolerate his drinking sprees and makes it endurable when he's gone for several months.

She knows he has always loved her, still does and will until death do them part, because he still appreciates the sacrifices she had made for him back then.

But there is something different about Ren Hakuei, which almost frightens her — behind that pretty face demons are lurking, hiding malevolent intentions, scheming a questionable plot.

Or so she thinks.

Sinbad nods in approval as he watches the princess picking up the ink-stained quill to sign the document spread across the table-top before her.

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