Chapter 1

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6 years ago...

"So...again? No action? Pff, this place has really gone to the dogs..." Miko complained when she heard that there are no Decepticon Activity. "Miko, maybe we could, ya some games?" Jack suggested and Miko just pushed him aside. "No! I wanna be on the field right now!" She yelled and Jack sighed.

Bumblebee eyes went flick, he had an idea. [Miko! Come with me!] he said, actually, beeped. "Raf? What did Bee say?" Miko asked Raf, the only human that can understand Bumblebee. "He wants you to go with him." Raf replies, not taking his eyes off his laptop. "Oh! Um...sure." She said and Bumblebee transformed and she walked towards him and got in him, in the drivers seat. "Have fun." Raf said when Bumblebee revved his engine and disappeared out of the door.

Once they were far away from the base and deep into the desert, Miko got out of Bee and he transformed and flipped back his mouth-guard and revealed his mouth. "'ve had a mouth this whole time?" Miko asked when she saw Bumblebee's mouth. "I kept it hidden, because it's terribly hard for me to talk since...what happened." Bumblebee replies, his voice was crocked and dry like one of an old man. Miko smiles and wrapped her arms around Bumblebee's legs, who let down his finger for the girl to hold.

"Have you ever thought about leading your own team, Bee?" Miko asked. "Lead my own? Huh! I was planning to lead the whole Autobots!" Bumblebee replied with determination. "How?" Miko asked. "Challenging Optimus and winning." Bee replied, a little more scared that time. "Oh." Miko understood and looked ahead.

"You know what? The day I become leader of the Autobots would be a day to remember, and I promise I won't kill or banish Optimus." Bee spoke up and Miko laughed. "Excuse me?" Optimus asked, apparently the team was eavesdropping on them. "No no, sir! Nothing going here!" Miko replies, in the middle of her laughing fit. "Well, everyone now knows I can talk...why don't I tell you something." Bumblebee said and he walked around the bots.

Bumblebee: I'm gonna lead a mighty team
So enemies beware

Optimus: well I've never seen a leader of such with such a little frame

Bumblebee: I'm gonna be the main event, like no one else before. I'm brushing up and looking down, I'm working on my skills!

Arcee: well, that's a rather uninspiring thing.

Bumblebee: oh I just can't wait to lead a team!!

Bumblebee grabbed Miko as he transformed and strapped her in his driver seat. They drive off far away, but was still followed by Optimus and the rest. They came by an oasis, where a lot of animals was drinking when Arcee caught up to them.

Arcee: now you've got a long way to go before...

Bumblebee: no one say "do this"

Arcee: no I meant...

Miko: no one say "be there"

Arcee: now, what I meant was

Bumblebee: no one say "stop that!"

Arcee: stop that right now!

Miko: no one say...

Bumblebee & Miko: "sit here!"

Arcee: oh, sit here!

Bumblebee: free to run around all day! Free to do it all my way!

Arcee: well that's definitely out

Bumblebee pulled over and opened both his doors, one side Miko came out and the other side, he came out in his hologram and they started running through the herd of animals. Arcee then caught up to them, transformed and started running backwards ahead of them, having to face them as she ran.

Arcee: I think it's time that you and Prime, arranged a spark-to-spark.

She wasn't looking behind herself and she ran back first into an elephant.

Miko: leaders don't need advice from their own scouts, for a start

Then she and Bumblebee got on top of some ostriches and they got far away from Arcee.

Arcee: if that is where the monarchy is headed, count me out! Out of services out of this atmosphere! I wouldn't hang about!

Arcee then walked into a deep pool of water and Bulkhead looked at the running pair that are on ostriches.

Bulkhead: those children are getting wildly out of hand...

Bumblebee: oh I just can't wait to lead a team!

The children got off the ostriches and they ran through the herds.

Bumblebee: everybody look left.

Miko: everybody look right.

Bumblebee: everywhere you look I'm standing in the spotlight!

Optimus: not yet!

The two childs didn't bother and they ran through the herds of animals.

Bumblebee: let everybody go for broke and sing. Let's hear it in the herd and in the team. It's gonna be Bumblebee's finest fling.

Miko: oh he just can't wait to lead a team!

Bumblebee: oh I just can't wait to lead a team!

Both: of u just can't wait—to lead a team!

Before the other Autobots knew it, they fell on top of each other with Optimus at the bottom while the two children ran off into the desert, laughing.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2019 ⏰

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