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"Shweta? Riddhi?" Dr. Seema says, looking very puzzled.

Both the girls don't say a word but look around hoping desperately that in some way, it would end up being a dream.

But Dr. Seema, standing in front of them, looking very puzzled doesn't fade or disappear. She seems very real, very tangible and utterly bewildered to see her daughter and her best friend at a pharmacy so far from home.

"Is everything okay? Why are you girls here?" She asks again.

Shweta opens her mouth and then shuts it again, much like a fish. Riddhi on the other hand, is unable to lift her eyes from the ground. If her mother were to find about it, she sure would end up grounded until she reached the age of fifty-five.

"Girls! Why aren't you saying anything? Is everything okay?" Dr. Seema asks, her voice now softening with concern.

"Doctor! Do you know these girls? They have just bought a pregnancy test!" The pharmacy owner says, helpfully. He looks at the ongoing drama rather curiously, his paan stained front tooth showing as he grins.

"Pregnancy test?" Seema echoes, the words she uttered more than a hundred times a week as a gynecologist, now feeling very out-of-place and strange. "Why would these girls want a pregnancy test?"

"No, doctor." Chotu quips from behind the girls, showing the pregnancy tests in his hands. "I took these out for them! That didi with long hair, asked me to." He says, pointing at Riddhi. (Didi: Elder Sister.)

Seema looks at the pregnancy test, willing her eyes to believe what she was witnessing. She had never dreamt that Riddhi would do something like that. Sweet, naive Riddhi who had just turned eighteen two months ago. What on earth was she thinking? Did she know about the hundreds of diseases that could possibly be transferred? And a pregnancy test! What on earth was she thinking?

"Girls. In my chamber. Now." Seema says, looking at them sternly.

Riddhi and Shweta both follow her. Chotu hurriedly gives the pregnancy test to Riddhi who puts it inside her bag, absolutely mortified. Shweta, walking in front throws a look of utter panic at her best friend. Riddhi for her part looks equally frightened, her eyes large and scared.

"Close the door behind you." Seema says, her voice rather stern.

Riddhi meekly pushes the door shut.

"What is this nonsense? Tell me girls, why are you fooling around with things like pregnancy tests? And don't you dare lie to me!" Seema says, looking at the girls.

"Shweta's science project." Riddhi squeaks and Seema glares at her.

"Shweta's science project? Riddhi, I am fully aware that my daughter is pursuing humanities!"

"Maa." Shweta says, her voice rather small and childish

"What?" Seema says, looking at her daughter. "Who is that pregnancy test for? Riddhi, what have you been thinking? And for god's sake! Unprotected sex? You girls ought to be studying and focusing on your careers not chasing boys!"

"Maa, it was for me." Shweta says, her voice barely audible.

"For you? You?" Seema says, her eyes widening. "What have you been doing, Shweta?"

"Maa, I swear it's nothing! It was just one time! And my period's late, so I got worried. I swear, maa. Don't be mad!" Shweta says, looking at her mother with pleading eyes.

"Yes, aunty. Please don't be mad at her! She just is very worried about her period." Riddhi adds, desperately.

"It's nothing? You are late for your period which was otherwise very regular! You go around in pharmacies looking for pregnancy tests! And you have the audacity to tell me it's nothing?" Seema says, her eyes widening. "Tell me, Shweta, what else have you been hiding from me?"

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