How It All Started.

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Four Months Earlier.

Jane and Julie talk on the phone, "Hey, wanna go to the mall today?" Jane said loudly and nicely. "I can't sorry!" Julie replies. "Who are you talking too?" A dudes voice in the background was loud. "Who's that?" Jane asked. Julie hung up without saying anything. Jack sits on the bed with Julie. Julie looks at him and smiles. Jack gets closer and kisses Julie. He puts his hands on her head. She bends back to kiss him. She lays down and Jack lays on top of her. Jack puts his hand up her thighs going up into her dress. He starts kissing her neck and she moans. The next day, Alison and Mona walk to school together. Sophomore year. They see their boyfriend. They run to each other and kiss. Julian takes Alison's hand, and holds it. Mona's boyfriend Mike also takes her hand and holds it. The 5 girls walk into the school. The most popular girls ever. Ariana, Alison, Mona, Julie, and Jane walk in and everyone clears the hallway. The heels clattering on the floor. The bags and hair. Looking fabulous and flawless. Everyone adores them. Wanting to be like them. But they can't. Jacqueline, Mona's friend walks up to her and hugs her. "I missed you!" She said happily. Mona didn't answer her back. "What's wrong, Mona?" A smile crossed Jacqueline's face. "Nothing. I just spaced out." Mona finally replied. As the bell rang, you can hear lockers slam, doors close, and feet running. Julie runs to her class. Trying not to be late. "And.... you are not late as usual, Julie!" Mrs. Noah said to Julie. Julie smiled and walked to her seat. She seen Alison, Mona, Jane, and Ariana are all in the same class. The new male teacher walks in. The end of his heel on his classic black leather shoes touch the floor you can almost hear if footsteps. He writes his name, Mr. Gonzalez. He turns around and sees a student he hooked up with during the summer. Ariana. Ariana didn't notice until Mr. Gonzalez said, "Holy Crap!" Ariana looks up and her eyes widened. Bright blue. She gets a text message. The text message read, "Life's but a dream, Ariana. But I'm your worst nightmare." She gasped and put her phone back into her purse. Everyone turned to look at Ariana. "Okay, class. I am your new English teacher. The bell rang and it was the end of the first day of school. Mona and Jane go to the parking lot to get into the car. They drive away and go to a corner store. The line at the corner store was very long. Jane and Mona got very mad. She ran up to the line and payed for their stuff. Jane and Mona walk across the street to go to the car. It is 11:30 PM at night. Jane unlocks the car. She throws her stuff into the car and when she's about to step into the car, she hears someone calling her name. "Jane..." A creepy voice said. She tells Mona. Mona get out and calls the other girls. "Come to Street Avenue, now" Mona told the girls. They all come and the girls walk into the dark park, with a pond. They all get a text. The text message read, "Ready or not, here I come. -A" "What the hell does that mean?" Ariana said questioning. They heard leaves and twigs break, they hear footsteps, and they hear breathing. They a turn around and see someone in a black hoodie, pants, and black everything. Mona gasped and yelled, "Run, you guys!"

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