Coming Home

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Mary's POV

"Hmmmm hmmm hmmm~" I hummed as I walked out of the taxi. I looked ahead to see my house that I haven't seen on months. I then ran to the gates and jumped over them without hesitation landing on my feet after doing a perfect flip. My blonde shoulder length hair bouncing as I skip towards the door. I look up and then knock on the door. "Hellllooooo?" I say loud enough to make the people hear from the inside of the house. The door opens and I see my older twin brother. "Onii-San!" I exclaim opening out my arms for I hug. Honey looks at me for a second and his face turns into a huge smile. He then says "Mary!! I'm so happy to see you again". We then jump towards each other and hug tightly. I go inside and see the house I haven't seen in a long time. "It feels like forever." I say in wonder as my brother runs up to me with a big cake. "Want some?" He says in a excited voice. I nod my head happily as we made our way to the table and started gobbling down on the cake in big pieces. When we finished Onii-chan called Mori and told him that I was here. A few moments later we heard a knock on the door. Me and honey got up and went to the door. When Honey opened the door I saw Mori. "Mori!!" I said happily as me, Honey, and Mori group-hugged. After talking for a while Mori left and Father came out to talk to us. "Mary, welcome home" he started as the three of us hugged. "Since you have come back to stay, you shall be going to the same school as Mizkuni ((Idk how to spell his name)). Both of you will be in the same class and will go to and come back from school together. Understood" he said. Me and Honey looked at each other and nodded. We all ate dinner and went to our rooms. My room was next to Honey's so we got to talk more. When I laid down on the bed, I felt a wave of sleepiness wash over me. I hugged my bunny Nia-chan and I fell into a nice deep sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2014 ⏰

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