Marry Me

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A/N: FRIENDS! long time no see ☺️
While I prep some unfinished stories (@utiena, I'm bowing my head in shame 😆) and new ones for you, please enjoy @hotpotlove's FFOTF request for a CaiSi elopement, which I penned with her in mind when my friend DramaLindy announced that she was hosting a wedding-focused fanfic festival over on her IG account.
Hey, hotpot, here's the real deal, more than just a hinting 😉




"Daoming Si! What have you done? No more surprises! You promised..." chirped Shancai, rolling her eyes and laughing as her husband kissed her cheek and tickled her sides.

They'd been married for one year today.

One year since Shancai had gone after him all the way to London and almost lost him.

Her heart still squeezed a little whenever she remembered how coldly he'd rejected her, telling her that he couldn't be "as selfish as her" when she'd urged that 'together' they could conquer all.

She'd gotten half way down the long gravel driveway when she received his text, the stone manse no longer in sight. A text that she initially thought was from Yu-Sao, because he'd messaged her from Yu-Sao's phone.

I'm sorry, my love
Keep walking and don't look back
Meet me at the London Eye at 22:30
Bring your bags

A second text alerted,

Keep the facade up and tell no one

Her heart had threatened to beat out of her chest as the colliding of complete and utter sorrow crashed against the bloom of hope and euphoria.

Yet, she'd continued walking down the pebbly path, her feet crunching along with each of her footfalls.

When she reached Thomas at the gate she was still shooketh, which served her to great advantage. She maintained that things had ended dreadfully, ending with Ah Si's rejection, when he asked her if she was alright, and when she collected her bags from his flat later that evening after dinner she assured him that she would make it on her own to her airbnb without fail.

But, once she was in the taxi, she told the driver "London Eye, please" instead of her lodging address in Kensington.

She thought she'd be early, as she checked her phone and it read 21:56, but as she rolled her suitcase along the pavement and approached the enormous landmark she saw Ah Si's glossy, inky locks being carelessly tossed around by the cool breezy riffing through the early winter night. His head was turned away from her and he squinted, likely trying to make out her figure from all the passerbys on the busy sidewalk in the other direction.

She paused and stared hungrily at him, her breath catching as her love for him threatened to spill over, just by being this close to him and knowing that this morning hadn't been their final goodbye.

When she reached him, she hugged him from behind and murmured against his back, "Ah Si..."

He reacted immediately and turned around, enfolding her in a bear hug and kissed the top of her head.

"You came." he'd said achingly and not just about their current secret rendezvous. The words visibly cutting him like a knife.

"I would travel to the moon and back for you. London was nothing." came her reply, as she unsuccessfully choked back a sudden sob.

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