Chapter 4

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'Did I hear my name? Did she finally speak?'

Everything slowed around Levi as he snapped back to reality, the panicked sound of his name ringing in his ears. But everything happened so quickly, he couldn't tell if the sound was actually audible or if it had only been his own imagination.

The headlights of a rapidly approaching car flashed in Levi's eyes. He swerved, trying to avoid contact. However, his attempt made no prevail, the front of the car grazing the other with a slight crash as he spun the wheel in the opposite direction. Due to the minor collision at such high speeds, Levi's black car spun into the median, hitting the wall harshly.

The airbags burst out, knocking the wind out of you both, and practically suffocating you. You turn frantically to your boyfriend and noticed he was unconscious, numerous, deep gashes on his head near his eyes and forehead where shards of broken glass and the airbag impact had hit. Your hands shook, reaching for your phone to call 911, but stopped.

'I can't speak,' you thought, tears rolling down your cheeks. 'I can't do it...'

By the time help did finally come, Levi was still unconscious, being carried off by an ambulance as you followed, sitting beside him for support. You had a few minor injuries, but were mostly fine. His sleeping form scared you; what if he didn't wake up?

The drive and wait outside the hospital room was a long one. You pace, staring down at the white, tiled floor. The second you notice the door open, you rush inside, practically shoving the nurse out of the way as you make your way into the room, before the woman could even tell you anything.

'Please don't die. Dear God, please stay alive...'

There he was, all cleaned and hooked up to the IV machine, still lying in bed asleep. You collapse into the chair that was placed next to the hospital bed, gripping one of his hands in both of yours. Tears spill onto the blankets as you hope and pray that he'll stay alive.


The nurse had warned you of this, but you had refused to believe it until now.

Levi hasn't woken up since the day of the accident four months ago. You made your visiting round every day that you could. And you were always disappointed to see his eyes still closed, only relieved by the picture of his consistent heart beats played constantly on the monitor.

Each and every day, you brought a gift of some sort. Anything from flowers to notes to kisses. You just hoped that one day, sooner than later, he'd wake up to the sight of beautiful, vibrant flowers or a loving kiss to the forehead.

Today was Friday. You came by the hospital, placing your decorated card on the nightstand, to see Levi in bed as usual. You sit in the chair beside him, holding one of his cold hands. This time, however, the contact caused the black-haired man to stir, something he hasn't done since the nightmare of an accident four months previous. You jolted upright, still gripping his hand in your quivering ones.


His eyes fluttered open slowly, revealing those perfect steel orbs that you had missed so much. You grinned ear-to-ear, nodding and shaking with joy, causing tears to spill from your (e/c) eyes.

'Thank God, yes Levi, it's me! Thank goodness you're alive!' you thought, glad to see the love of your life finally awake after so long.

"Is" he inquired quietly and hoarsely. He looked around the room, his eyes searching for you. A confused expression spread over his face, his eyebrows furrowed slightly. You appear confused as well. Why won’t he look at you?

You reach into your pocket, letting go of his hand to do so, and typed up a message that you'd been planning for the day he awoke.

[Levi. I'm so glad you're finally awake. You had me worried sick. I can't wait until you can get out of here. It's full of sick people. I know you hate those germs~]

You held the phone up to him with a radiant grin, waiting to see his reaction. But he didn't react at all. His silver eyes scanned the room still, passing her completely.

"I feel someone here. Who are you?"

[Levi x Deaf!Reader] All I NeedWhere stories live. Discover now