Female!Levi x Female!Eren

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No smut this chapter! Sry!
Eren's pov


I woke up from yet another restless sleep and slammed my hand on the alarm clock. I stared at the red, bright, glowing numbers and saw that it was 6 in the morning. Why do they make school start this early?! I'll just close my eyes and think for a moment.

For what felt like a minutes turns out to be four hours. Why didn't anyone try to wake me?! I hurriedly jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom. I quickly brushed my teeth. I then grabbed one of my many acne scrubs and started applying it to my face. After I washed it off, I ran back into my room and grabbed my clothes.

I decided to wear a black zip up hoodie, a Kokichi shirt, black pants and my grey converse. I grabbed a brush and started to untangle my hair. I'm so happy I cut it short. I practically fell down the stairs and went to the door and took my keys off the hook.

I ran to my car putting the key into the ignition and starting it. I pulled out and drove down to my school.

-Time Skip-

I ran to my classroom panting from all the running I had done. I hesitantly opened the door and tried to sneak inside, but to my dismay I was caught.

"Miss Jeager, why are you four hours late to school??" Mr. Pixis asked.

I looked at the floor in shame.

"I overslept." I muttered.

"I'm sorry. Could you repeat that? I can't hear you."
I snickered at my first thought.

"AYE AYE CAPTAIN!!!" I screeched.

I could hear the laughing all across the room. Even some of the quiet kids giggled.

"Eren Jaeger! Detention after school!" He screamed.

He went down to his desk and started angrily writing on a piece of paper. When he was done pen rapping the paper he handed me it. I turned and sat at my desk. Class was boring, so I decided I would take a nap. When I tried to rest my head on the table my boobs got in the way.

Not again!!! I hate having these cursed things! No one should be punished by having triple d's. You try running without out a sports bra.

I decided to go on my phone and read some Wattpad. I finally found a great book. It's a gay love story. It's from the anime Yuri On Ice!!! I just love VictYuri.

After what felt like a few minutes of reading, the bell finally rang. Yes! Let's get the fuck out of here!

Dang it! I forgot about my other classes.

- Time Skip Because I Freaking Can -

The hallways were empty and quiet. Well not including some guy leaning against the lockers. Maybe he got detention too. As I got closer, I noticed he had his ear buds in his ear.

"What are you listening to?" I asked. He looked up at me. Ha! Shorty.

He had sliver eyes which stared very intensely back at me. He had a very stoic expression.

"How would you like it if I called you Talley?"

I actually said that out loud. Talley? What in the world?

"Talley? The only reason I'm tall is because you're short." I retorted.

"Whatever. You got detention too?" He questioned.

"Yeah. I kind of pissed the teacher off." He smirked at this.

"Oh I'm the master at pissing people off. What did you do?"

"I made a very bad Spongebob joke. What about you?"

"I beat the hell out of a guy. I also cussed the teacher out."

"Ok I have so many questions. Why'd you beat that guy up?" I asked. He took out his ear buds and paused his music.

"He made fun of me for being a lesbian." A lesbian?

"Aren't you a guy?"

"It's 2019. Stop assuming genders. No. I am a girl. I'm just really, really, really flat. Not everyone has boobs like you, Boobs McGee." I frowned at her ridiculous nickname

"Whatever. Let's go in before they start accusing us of skipping. Oh, you never told me what you were listening to."

The corners of her mouth turned up into a halfway smile. Wow. Her smile is really pretty.

"twenty one pilots. The song was Not Today. It's one of my favorites." She said.

"My favorite is Car Radio. C'mon let's head in." I said. She rolled her eyes and we went into the classroom.

What is good my bois. Sorry I haven't updated in while. I was over my aunt's house and she doesn't have WiFi and I have been in hospital. That's only time I could comment or write and writers block is a booty. I will be updating more this week. Give me feed back please. GayMoodSwings nothing. I was listening to megalovania and thought of you.


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