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••• JIMIN •••

My heart was pounding in my chest as I stare at my phone. The image of Honey lingers in my mind. If I had not ended the call, I had probably messed it up again. Like I did 4 years ago.

"Son." I was interrupted by my father's voice. I lifted my gaze to the frame of my door where my father stood, his arms crossed over his chest. "Your phone might have melted if you didn't stop staring at it."

I answered with a snicker.

I followed his movements towards my bed, and he sat beside me. "How are you?"

"I'm fine." I let go of a sigh as I withdrew the phone from my hand to my night stand. "A little tired from all the busy schedules. Other than that, I'm fine."

"Are you sure?" His question made me meet his gaze. His brows raised, not satisfied with my answer.

"What? I'm fine, dad." I chuckled as I tuck myself under the sheets of my bed.

"I don't believe you." He said straight forward.

My lips formed a smile, yet my father knows me very well. Well enough that he knows all the meaning of all my body movements, even the lightest and softest breath.

I gave up, right there and then.

"I will never win from you, huh?"

"Talk to me, son. I'm here to listen." I stared at my father for a good minute before lifting myself up from my bed. "Now, tell me what's bothering you?"

He can clearly read my mind. After all, he's my father. "I met Honey again after so long."

"Ahh! Woman problems." Sometimes his choice of words are not the best but, he's right. "How is she doing? We miss her."

"She looks great. No doubt." The smile on my lips grew bigger. "I have so many questions to her, but I feel like she's avoiding me."

"Avoiding you? How so?"

I got out of bed and went to the balcony of my room. "I don't know. I just feel like something is missing. Like she's hiding something from me."

"Well, have you tried talking to her friends or to her parents?" I look at my father who is now standing beside me, leaning his arms on the railings. "Then, maybe you'll be able to find the answer to your questions."

I shook my head sideways.

"Nah. That would be too much, dad. I'd be invading her private life too much."

After Honey left me without a good reason, I made up my mind to not bother her. She has her reasons and I respect whatever her decisions may be. May her reasons be against my will or not, I promised her I would support her.

"What will you do then?"

"That's a million dollar question that I don't know the answer yet." I replied softly chuckling at my own answer. "I still love her, dad."

"I know you do. It shows in all your movements. You might have been away from us for a long time, but I can still read between the lines." He is a very smart man. One of the reasons why I adore him so much. "All your performances for your fans. You know in your heart that you're not only performing for your fans. Am I right?"

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