Holiday Part 1

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I was the happiest I'd been in so long. I had the girl of my dreams by my side everyday, a fantastic job and amazing friends. I was filing away some case studies I had been reading over for an assignment I'd been giving when Rosa came in and popped down a pile of holiday brochures onto the filing cabinet beside me.

Rosa: We have been together for nearly a month now, it's time I took you away for a while. Just you, me and some sun. What do you say?
Me: Oh wow that sounds great. When?
Rosa: I may have just put in a booking form for annual leave for the both of us. We leave on Sunday.

I was so stunned I didn't know what to say.

Me: OK brilliant, where are we going?
Rosa: No idea, that's why we have these.
Gina (Walking through with a box of files) Ahh you guys have to go to Barbados, it's like soooo hot and the beaches are exquisite.
Rosa (frowning) Gina have you ever been to Barbados?
Gina: No but I watch a lot of reality TV. I know what I'm talking about.
Me: I have always wanted to go on a safari trip.
Gina (Exiting) Suit yourself girl but Barbados still has my vote.
Rosa: Safari sounds amazing. Let's do it babe.

She kissed me on the cheek and went back out to book plane tickets.

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