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It was 8 o'clock the dance was about to start. I have no idea why but I decided to show up on time to the dance. Which honestly made no sense but I didn't know any better. I'm only a freshman remember. Anyway, so I got in and there were a couple of other people dumb enough, like me, to show up early. Everyone was just sitting at tables awkwardly as the music was playing in the background. I could tell people wanted to dance but they didn't do it until more people arrived.

A couple of my friends showed up and we all started dancing. My favorite Spanish song came on and I couldn't help myself I just had to go out and dance it. But because I am me, I don't know how to dance. So I ask my friend to show me how to dance to it and he showed me, I think I actually got the hang of it. I gave him back to his girlfriend and stood in the corner watching everyone with his or her boyfriends or girlfriends having a good time, and I have to admit it got to me. My old friend from elementary school, Tyler, was standing by me and he asked me to dance. Might I add that he has lost some weight in the past couple of years and he was actually very attractive. I said yes and we started dancing. My friends were telling me that we looked so cute out there dancing together. I don't know why but the thought of me liking him scared me. He is a nice guy and all but for some reason I never thought of him that way. But that night I saw it, I thought about how it would be like if I actually liked him and it was kind of scary.

I decided to show up to the dance in a fitting dress. One to show off my new body that I had been working on for months, it made me feel confident and I loved the feeling. I wore flats and my hair was in loose curls. I didn't have too much makeup on, just a bit of lip-gloss and blush. I felt good. I had another dress that I could have worn but I decided to go with the tighter one because I liked how it made me feel. And maybe because I thought it would catch his attention.

He had told me that he and Carter were going to be going to the dance about half way through. It was already 10 o'clock and I was looking around for them. I think I asked him at lunch one day, and Josh mentioned that they were going to a party before so they would be late. When I saw him I must admit that he looked Good. He had on a blue button up and black pants and dress shoes. And with the haircut he had gotten days before he looked even better.

I saw Carter first and taped him on the back and told him that his girlfriend was looking for him. I guess Josh saw me tap Carter because he turned around. Dang he looked good. Josh smiled at me and watched me tell Carter where Christina was. I told him where she was and he went to go say hi to her. I followed him and left Josh in the crowd of dancing people because I didn't know what to say to him. I tried very hard for most of the dance to just have a good time but I couldn't stop looking at him. We would have brief conversations about how stupid people looked dancing, or us laughing at some people. After a while I just went to my group of friends and started dancing.

I turned around and saw him looking in my direction. I turned to the side to see if he was looking at someone behind me, but I didn't see anyone. So I just started dancing again. I looked back at him and he was still looking at me. And I just kept dancing. I don't know what went over me but I just stopped dancing and started walking in his direction. I didn't have anything planned out in my head. I didn't know what I was going to say to him. Like was I just going to say "hey why were you looking at me". No. While all these planned conversations where going through my head, he bumped into me. I turned to him and smiled.

"Are you leaving?" He asked.

"No, are you?" I replied.

"No, where are you heading?"

And because I am a total idiot I start freaking out and just point towards the restroom and quickly walk away. I stayed in there for a couple of seconds and walked out to see what all the raucous was outside. They were announcing Homecoming king, which I really didn't care about so I just tuned it out and started looking for him again to apologize for my weird behavior. But I couldn't find him. I found Christina and she said they left a couple of minutes ago, that Josh told Carter that it was getting late and that they party would have started by then. I just stood there, why wouldn't he just have told me that he was leaving? Why did he leave in such a rush? But I didn't really care anymore, I took it as a lesson, no matter how much you think you know a person they can always disappoint you. It wasn't the first time either. That only made it worse.

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