| 5 | Hold Up Cowboy

113 2 13

Playlist: Skyper - The Flight (Why Love Me? Meme Song)

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| Kawaii |


I know where you live


not creepy at all

I'm locking all my windows and doors tonight

hiding all my wine


I mean where you work

wait does lil ole' cowboy not lock his windows and doors and drinks wine too?

that's fancy


yes I lock my windows and doors, you'd have to be stupid not to.

and yes I drink wine, mostly because I can't drink alcohol because of my stupid asthma, but I still have to drink specific wine too so yeah. asthma sucks, you don't want it trust me on that

but besides that where do you work exactly?


Alice's Ink Machine, it's a tattoo place

i actually got a tattoo from there. me and Katelyn both work there, it's three stores down Nara's Art Klub.

the place you work at


if you wanna get a tattoo come to this shop so I can get money


turns out the whole reason you wanted to get my number is so you can advertise your shop. Is this some kind of new advertise bargaining? Because I wanna join


lmao I wish

This job kinda sucks with all the guys that come to flirt with me but I usually turn them down


surprisingly same

they always leave bad reviews but Nara calls em' out and makes them delete their review

i don't know how she does it but she does.


lol I wish

Alice is cool and all but she just calls them out and leaves it at that

besides, they probably flirt on you because of how nice your ass is


lol 😊 probably

so what are you doing right now?



but gotta get off my phone brb



see you later

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