(JACKLYN) Nightmares

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-thoughts of suicide

-deep/sensitive content to some people

*Jack's POV*

"Well, I've been Jack, and he's been Brook" I say, getting ready to end the live.

"And together, We are Jacklyn," Brook added on, before I moved my head from Brook's shoulder, and leaned forward to end the live.

I looked at him, as he leaned backward falling onto the bed, my bed. He yawned and stretched out his arms then wrapped them around his face. I laughed, "Is someone tired?" I said, sitting down on the bed beside him. He lightly smiled and nodded. I sat there, watching him lay there with his eyes shut, for about five minutes, before he opened his eyes, and sat himself up. I sat up with him.

"You don't have to go to your room...," I said cautiously, biting the inside of my cheek. "You can stay here if you want," I said, whispering the last part. He looked at me with his gorgeous green eyes and smiled, but then his smile dropped and he focused his eyes on the ground then to the door. He looked at me. For the first time all day I had noticed the dark circles and heavy bags that laid underneath his eyes. I didn't realize how much sleep he had been lacking, but I also knew he wasn't getting a lot. His eyes looked drained, the color of his eyes fading. He hadn't eaten much either.

" Thanks Jack, but it's probably better if I sleep in my room tonight," he said blankly before grabbing one of my jumpers and walking out of the door, slowly closing it on the way out.

I sat there confused at what had just happened. Brook never turned down an opportunity to be cuddled, spooned, or close to any of the boys, specifically me. But soon enough concern took over my mind. I missed Brook, I realized how he remained close to all the boys, but not too close, like something in his head was telling him to stop. I missed his touch, his warmth, and most of all his smile. I turned off the light on my nightstand and laid down, drifting off to sleep, with nothing but Brooklyn on my mind.

*Brook's POV*

I walked slowly to my room, my head hanging low. I heard Andy ask if I was ok, but I acted as if I didn't hear him and retreated further into my room, shutting the door behind me. I fell onto my bed, exhausted. I grabbed Jack's hoodie that I picked up, and put it on, pulling the arms down so that they laid well beyond my hands. I hoped it would protect me from myself, from the night, and the reality of my nightmares. The sweatshirt was the closest thing I could have to Jack right now, it at least offered some comfort. I tucked myself under the covers, and stared up at the ceiling. I had gotten so used to the sight. I tried so hard to stay awake, but my eyes began to feel heavy, and my body craved for sleep. Eventually, I gave in and my eyes shut pulling me into the darkest corners of my mind.

*3 hours later*


" Your worthless! CAN'T YOU DO ANYTHING RIGHT! I DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW YOU GOT INTO THE BAND IN THE FIRST PLACE!" rye screamed. Tears began to full the corners of my eyes.

"All you do is hold us back!" Andy yelled.

"I'm just your friend because you're the easiest."

"What?" I looked at Sonny, hurt filling his eyes.

"You actually think I can be friends with you, you're so annoying, I should get an Oscar fro putting up with you!" Sonny said glaring at me. If looks could kill, I would surely be dead by now.

"No stop...please," I pleaded, "I'm sorry...". I close my eyes to run away, but hit someone while running, their arm grabbing mine to stop me from fully colliding. I opened my eyes

"Jack" I said relieved and upset. I pulled him in, and hugged him so tight, but just as I latched the perfect grip, he pushed me off of him...hard.

"Jack? What-" I was cut off by the harsh tone that laid behind Jack's words...

"Jesus Brook, You are so clingy. Can't you see I have had enough of you. I'm so sick of you. God its like your in love with me or something."

I stare at him seeing how genuine his words were, tears began to fall down my eyes.

"If you are, you better get rid of that thought, because I could NEVER....NEVER love you" Jack spat out. I had broke, my knees hit the ground. The rest of the boys crowded around me, Andy carrying a knife.

"Wh-What's that for?" I said, my vision blurry from the tears

"It's for you," Andy said handing me the knife, "We don't want you here" he said cold.

I don't know what I was thinking or why, but I believed them, and that was enough, I grabbed the knife, pushing it into my abdomen. I felt a sharp pain shoot up my body

*Jack's POV*

I wake up to the sound of screaming. I jolt up out of bed, thinking it was a dream. I continue to hear screaming and harsh cry. My heart race immediately sped up, it was Brook's screams. I run out of the room, racing down the hall to his room. I see Andy and Rye beginning to open the door, but I tell them to go back to bed, and that I will check it out. They are hesitant but comply. I   don't even knock. I barge into Brook's room, the door shutting behind me, and see a very much asleep Brooklyn screaming at the top of his lungs, tossing and turning, his hands gripping onto the sheets as if he would fly away if he let go.  I run over to him, jumping onto the bed

"Brook! Brook wake-up! It's ok, I'm here. Brook!" I yell frantically. He continued to thrash his head around. One of his arms found mine and grabbed it, squeezing it tightly, I bit the outside of my lip in pain, but poured all my attention into Brookie. His other arm held on to his stomach tight, his chest rose high off the mattress, as if he couldn't breathe, he shook his head side to side. I don't know why, but my heart hurt so much at the point. I was so scared. I grabbed his arm and practically pried away his hand from his stomach.

"Brook! Hey! Hey! It's me Jack! I'm here ok...I'm here," I yell. I get up closer to him "It's just a nightmare Brookie, I'm here, it's ok, I'm not leaving you".  A few minutes passed and his screams turned into soft whimpers, which then lead to silence, his breaths began to even out a little, and hands went limp against mine. I felt his head hit my chest. I looked down and saw his head snuggled into my chest, which is where it settled after moving side to side. I rubbed his wet hair, that was drenched with sweat, and watched him while he was in a deep sleep. I kissed the top of his forehead, a slight whimper escaped his lips, as he snuggled further into me. I grabbed his waist and pulled him closer, holding onto him, hoping he knew he wasn't alone. I had never seen brook like this, and it hurt a lot. I refused to ever see him so broken and scared again. I had so many questions, but the time will come for that. I look down at the sleeping boy, and eventually drift off too sleep as well, holding this little angel between my arms

Part 2 coming soon

This is kind of sloppily written but here xx I am sorry my first one is so deep and all. There will be happy one shots. They won't all be like this xx

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