Please Don't Leave Me... (JACKLYN)

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Brook and Jack one shot based on current events. Hope you enjoy xx

Note: the grammar in this is so bad, I apologize. I just wanted to post and didn't really edit

*Brook's POV*

I heard Andy shout for me to come downstairs, saying he had something important to tell me. 

"Coming!" I shouted from my room. I wore a smile on my face and hopped down the stairs. To be honest I don't even know why I was in such a good mood, I just was. I walked into the game room and saw everyone standing there talking to each other, the boys, Blair, Robbie, everyone. It wasn't my birthday I thought. It wasn't any of the boy's birthday's...Was it?...No I know it isn't. They looked up at me when they saw me, all their faces wearing a sad expression. My smiled dropped a little, as I started to think something was wrong.

"Guys?" I said, my voice quiet. I tried to find Jack's eyes, but for the first time his wouldn't meet mine.  

"Brook? I, or actually Jack has something to say?" Andy said quietly, taking a step towards me.

I stared at him blankly, and then to Jack, genuinely confused on what was going through my head. My eye's only filled with more worry, as I saw Jack stumble and struggle to find his words. Rye and Sonny remained silent. Andy took notice and began to speak.

"Look Brook...," I looked towards Andy, "This isn't going to be easy, and know it isn't anyone's fault-,"

"I'm leaving." Jack said, interrupting Andy mid sentence. My head sharply turned to face him, my mind not willing to process what he had just said.

"W-what?" I said, my face becoming warm, as tears began to brim my eye.

"I-I'm leaving Roadtrip." he said, his head hung low.

I stumbled back, my whole world slowly began to fall. Jack was my best friend, my rock, I couldn't lose him. This can't be real. I stared at him in shock, his head slowly lifted up, and it happened, our eyes met. I couldn't take it, my heart was pounding. I let a tear fall, and turned around quickly running up to my room.

"Brook Wait!" I heard Andy yell.

"Brook!" I heard Jack's voice call out .

I ran into my room and slammed the door shut, locking it wanting to just be alone. I couldn't process what was happening or why it was happening. Jack can't l-leave, he can't. He's my best friend and he promised to be there for me. What did I do wrong? I was probably too clingy and annoying I thought. It was about time he got sick of me. I couldn't take it. I collapsed onto the floor and just cried, a million thoughts flying around in my head. I pulled my knees up close to my chest and just sat on the floor rocking myself back and forth

*Jack's POV*

I watched as Brook ran up the stairs, tears threatening to escape his eyes. My heart sunk thinking about him crying in his room. I heard his door slam, I winced at the sound. I needed to talk to him, to explain because I know Brook, and I'm not worth his tears. I started to run after him, but Andy stopped me.

"maybe give him some space. It will probably be better," he said quietly.

I simply just pushed by him and ran upstairs. If anything I know Brook shouldn't be alone right now, and deep down I know he doesn't want to be either. I didn't even bother knocking on his door, I tried to open his door, but the door was locked.

"damn it Brook" I said under my breath. I sighed and knocked

"Brook?" I said softly. No response. "Brook please, open the door" I tried again.

"Just go away Jack...please" I heard him say. His voice sounded so small, so fragile, and so far.

"I want to be alone" he said more confidently, some anger peeking through.

"No you don't,"  I said back, "I know you don't". I put my back against his door and slid down it. I felt some movement from inside the room, and I felt something hit the other side of the door and then the ground. (cliché but just imagine both of them back to back with a door separating them if that makes sense)

"Brook just let me talk to-" I was cut off

"There is nothing to talk about Jack. You're leaving and that's that .  You're no longer going to be here. You're leaving the're leaving me" his voice got quiet at the end. I just wanted to hold him and tell him I would never leave him, not fully.

"Brook I will never leave you. I will always be there for you. I don't have to be in the same house to be there for you. I will always look after you, you're my best friend. I'm never going to leave you alone and you won't be alone, you have all the boys. I'm just not as happy as I was. It doesn't feel the same, being in a boyband and just everything. I don't know how to explain it, but I feel like it would be wrong for me to lie to myself and all of you." I said. There was silence. I sighed. 

I heard movement coming from the other side, and the door handle move slightly. I quickly got up and was met with Brook's small figure in the door frame. He was looking down at floor, but I could see his tear stained cheeks, and his flushed cheeks. 

"Was it me?" he said softly looking at the ground

"What?" I said confused to what he was asking.

"Was it me? that made you leave?" he asked. I was completely shocked. 

I grabbed his chin, and gently lifted it so he was looking at me. I stared into his slightly broken eyes, and it killed me how he was hurting and even worse that he was hurting because of me. 

"No" was all I could say. I pulled him into a tight hug, refusing to let go, and he seemed to have the same intention and he latched onto me. I walked us further into the room, closing his door with my foot. I sat us down on the bed, never letting go of him.

"no, never, If anything you were the one keeping me here longer. I couldn't bear the thought of leaving you either, not seeing you smile everyday, seeing you do your fake tan at 12 am, seeing you laugh and light up the stage, listening to your stories, and missing you shout random things in the hallway, and so much more," I said caressing his arm. I felt a tear hit my other hand, but this time it wasn't only Brook's it was my own's.  

"Why didn't you tell me?" he asked quietly with a hurt tone. 

"I couldn't. It hurt too much. I tried and everyone said it would be better to wait. I didn't want anything to change. I wanted our last weeks in a band together to be amazing and filled with happy memories."

He just looked up at me, wiping a tear of mine away.

"I understand...It just hurts, but I will forever support you, that's what best friends are supposed to do right?" he said chuckling at the end.

I just pulled him into a tighter hug and laughed.

"God I'm going to miss you so much" he said.

"me too" I said looking at a photo he had on his table. It was a picture of us from when we first met. 

"We will stay in touch I promise" I said, determined to make this work, because loosing my friendship with Brooklyn would be heartbreaking. 

I felt the blonde nod into my chest. He pulled back a little bit, and yawned before returning to my chest.

"You should sleep Brooky," I sad softly into his ear. He nodded sleepily and he laid down on his bed, his eyes closed. I started to leave but he grabbed my arm.

"Please don't leave me" he said softly. "It's one of our last nights, and I just want to be with you," he said looking at me in the eye. I softly smiled and nodded. I climbed in and spooned him from behind like we used to do. 

Ok this is crap and really late, I'm sorry. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2020 ⏰

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