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guide !

y/n : your name



LEVI WALKED INTO HIS home, an apartment in the poor part of the city which is known as Shiganshina, with his wife and his newborn twins. His six other children rushed into the cramped apartment, excited to be back home. His wife set one of the baby car seats that had one of the newborn twins on the couch, Levi setting the second one he held in his hand next to it. His wife sat on the L-shaped couch, smiling as she watched their children admire their new siblings. Levi sat beside her, his arm hung over her shoulder and pulling her closer.

Sasha, who was once the youngest out of all her siblings, slowly made her way to the couch. She had a concentrated look on her face as she made her way into the living room, the young toddler trying her hardest not to fall.

Sasha's twin brother, Connie, crawled past her happily, a huge grin on the boy's face. Sasha watched her twin crawl past, Connie always refused to walk, and she somehow fell onto her butt.

Jean, who is also a toddler, rushed past Sasha and stood on his tippy toes to see his new sisters. He giggled softly as he saw one of them open their bright, blue eyes.

Armin stood behind Jean, his bright blue eyes gazing at his two sisters. He stepped back slightly as the one who wasn't sleeping started cooing.

Eren stood beside his younger brother, Jean, staring at his two sisters with his bright, green eyes, wondering where they even came from.

Mikasa turned away from her new sisters and helped Sasha get over to the couch to see the new members of the family.

Annie and Historia, the newborn twin sisters, sat in the car seats on the couch, Annie in a deep sleep and her twin sister looked around the apartment curiously. The two girls were adopted by Levi Ackerman and his wife, along with Eren and Armin who were adopted when they were only toddlers.

They decided to adopt Eren and Armin since Levi's wife is the godmother of the two boys and Levi insisted on it, too.

"I think we have enough kids," Levi's wife sighs out as she cuddles into his warmth while watching their children.

Historia starts to coo as Jean got elbowed in the face by Eren accidentally and Annie started to wake up and she flinched as she woke up to see Sasha staring at her. Mikasa pulled Sasha back as she realized that her younger sister was scaring Annie and Armin tried to get Jean off of Eren. Connie was trying to crawl onto the couch to look at his new sisters, whining softly as he couldn't get his leg onto the couch.

"I guess so, y/n," Levi sighs out, a soft smile appearing on his face.

𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐑𝐓 𝐅𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑. levi ackerman + aot!kidsWhere stories live. Discover now