✨🕷Shinso Why?🕷✨

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I'm listening to Billie Eilish while writing this, so you KNOW I'm in an edgy angst mood. Warning: insomnia, anxiety, self deprecating thoughts, self harm

Request By: justasimpleemokid

Nobody's POV:

The edgy purple haired male walked down the schools hall from class, cursing out his life silently. I deserve hero course, He thinks to himself.

"Babe!" Monoma shouts from the end of the hall, earning himself a bunch of looks and glares. He's louder then he has to be, and he knows it. Hell, most of the reason Monoma is dating Shinso is to brag about how he was able to win the boys heart, and not actually because he loved him. He never straight up said it, but it was obvious.

"Yes Sociopath?" He responded, earning a pout from the other. A conversation ensued, and the purple haired boy cut off all noises around him.

Kill yourself.

Shinso slightly jumped at the random voice, looking around to see who said it. Monoma hadn't noticed, and kept talking. Then it came again, but this time less dark.

What? No! Don't kill yourself, you're not that dumb.

Shinso once again looked around, extremely confused and aggravated. "What the fuck...?" He muttered, still spinning his head around. "Something wrong? Is it one of those entitled idiotic 1-A bastards!" The blonde asks, jumping to conclusions. His hatred of Class 1-A was both ridiculous and admirable.

"No, just... thought I heard something.." Shinso said, sending his glare down at the ground once again. "Alright, as I was saying, so then..." The emo ignored the other once again, not giving a crap about anything. Wel, he did love Monoma, but listening to his rambling was annoying.

Good going he probably thinks you're insane now!

There came the dark voice, sounding mad now.

Suddenly Shinso is brought of his trance, as Monoma waves bye to Shinso entering his dorm building.

Shinso walked by himself to home, surrounded in his own thoughts.

* * *

"I'm home!" The mind controlling male said in a voice a little louder then his usual tone. No response was given, 'They must be patrolling' he thought as he shook his backpack off from his shoulder. He made his way to his room, walking up the stairs and down the dark hallway that use to terrify him.

That fear was heavily irrational, we weren't scared of the dark.

The lighter voice pointed out the obvious, almost mocking him.

He got to the end of the hallway, opening his dark oak door. 'Home sweet home.' Shinso thinks to himself, walking into his bedroom.

It had dark blue painted walls, with some pictures up on the wall. Four paper lanterns that he had made in second grade hung from the ceiling, being the only source of light besides his window. His black curtains covered the light from the outside world. His room was not lit and not well decorated, but he liked it.

He looked around for a second, as if he'd never seen his own room.

The razor is in the dresser against the left wall.

Shinso unconsciously walked over to the drawer, opening it and looked for the shiny silver object. Once found he grabbed it. 'I deserve this.' He thought, he didn't know why he deserved it but he felt like he did.

He dragged it along his right arm the pain seeping in. The young boy gritted his teeth, continuing ignoring the light voice telling him to stop. Three cuts turned into four, four turned into seven, seven turned into eleven, until soon there was too many to count.

Then the familiar gruff voice snapped him out of his haze.




I hate this, and I felt like I needed to post it so here. I'll do a part two where you actually get Aizawa's reaction, along with Mic's and Monoma's.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed waiting weeks for this one crap chapter~

Words: 654

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