Ch. 1

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Author's Note: Okay, so, I'm one of those people who lose motivation very quickly. If I get votes on this and comments, I'll gladly start publishing a chapter once a week, but if only a few of you respond to this story, there's a good chance I'll stop writing. Please leave a vote and/or comment if you'd like me to continue this story. Thanks!

-Draco Malfoy-

   Today was the day. The day I began my time at Hogwarts. My sister, Cassiopeia, and I were sitting in our seats on the Hogwarts Express when The Boy Who Lived walked down the hallway. I have a huge distaste for that guy. We met whilst getting robes, and while I thought we could make friends, he didn't even bother hiding that he thought I was an uptight git. Everyone loves him, so maybe I'll try again. Wouldn't want to get on the bad side of the Golden Boy.

    "What are you so deep in thought about over there? Was that your boyfriend?" Cassiopeia teased as she poked me in the arm.

    I rolled my eyes, "Totally." Cass laughed and rolled her eyes back at me. "No, he actually thought I was a snob when we met whilst getting fitted for robes. That's the boy who lived, Cass." Cass raised an eyebrow at me, "The who?" I shifted in my seat to face her. "The who? Harry Potter. Defeated the dark lord when he was a baby, lightning scar? Everyone loves him?" Cass still had an expression of confusion overtaking her features. "Seriously, where have you been? Under a rock? You're older than me!" I said. She gave me a pointed look, "No, I've been in the attic." I closed my mouth and looked away from her. "Sorry," I muttered.

    In her first year, she was housed in Hufflepuff. My dad wasn't having it, and when we got news that Cass was a metamorphmagus, our father decided to put her up for adoption. My mother, however, was not going to give Cass up. My mom made the decision to keep her in school for the rest of the year, and then have Cass change her appearance. My mother also legally changed her name from Ciara Malfoy to Cassiopeia Shane so that my father believes she was given up for adoption. She only comes home when school is not in session, aka summer, and then she's out of the house as much as possible and living in the attic when she's home. Only a few house elves, me, and my mother know about her.  I found out by catching her walking the halls late at night. I'm glad I know about her, though. Otherwise, I would have no one to talk to that actually listened and helped. I would never let her know about that, however. 


    The trip to Hogwarts was long though not painful. I met my first friends: Blaise Zabini and Pansy Parkinson. I'm pretty sure Pansy had a bit of a thing for me, and I made a mental note to see where this 'thing' goes.

    I spotted Harry Potter on my way to the Great Hall and decided to pay him a hello. He was with the Weasley boy. The Malfoy family had always had a bit of a feud with the Weasleys, so, in order to keep up appearances, I ruffled his feathers a bit by advising Harry on which wizarding families to become friends with before extending a hand to him. Harry gave me a look of distaste before spitting, "I think I can tell the wrong sort of wizarding families for myself, thanks." I almost stumbled back in shock. Who does he think he is, embarrassing me in front of the entire school on the very first day? Does he not know who I am? I can ruin him. I will ruin him.

He'll never know what hit him.


-Cassiopeia Malfoy-

"Cass!" I hear before being tackled in a hug. Chuckling, I reply, "Hey, Shan. How are you?" She pulled away and looked me deep in the eyes. "So great. I have a ton to tell you. First off, how was your summer?" she asked, dragging me by the wrist to the Hufflepuff table. "Great," I lied. "I learned a bit of Quidditch." Shannon smiled, "That's great. Maybe you'll bring Hufflepuff to the top!" I scoffed, "Yeah, right." "I'm sure you're amazing. My dad got me a new cat!! She's gorgeous. She's a calico kitty, and her name is Mercury. I named her after a muggle singer from a band called Queen. Have you heard of them? Probably not. Anyway, you have to see her!" I smiled and put my hands on her shoulders, "I can't wait, Shan." Her eyes lit up and she gave me bear hug. She may be a bit eccentric, but she's my favorite person in the entire world. I wouldn't be able to smile if it weren't for her. Actually, I don't know how I would breathe if we weren't paired up for that potions assignment in first year, beginning the best friendship of my life.

"So, what position of quidditch did you learn?"


-Harry Potter-

    Other than the sniveling ferret who tried telling me that I shouldn't be friends with the most decent person I'd met on the train, my experience at Hogwarts has been amazing so far. Ron informed me that most Slytherins weren't too decent, so I wasn't surprised when Malfoy was sorted into that very house the second the hat hit his overly gelled hair.

Ron gave me "told-you-so" look and shrugged at me. I hope we get put in the same house. He seems great. Looking back at the professor

    "Harry Potter," rang through the Great Hall, and I gave Ron a last nervous glance before heading to the stool where a professor stood with a large, worn out hat. I sat on the stool and let the hat be placed on my head. "Not Slytherin. Anything but Slytherin," I mumbled to myself. Suddenly the hat yelled out causing me to jump, "Not Slytherin, eh?" I looked around frantically; is the hat actually talking? There's a lot to get used to around here. "Well, alright," the hat bellowed. "Gryffindor!" With a relieved sigh, I practically ran to the Gryffindor table.

    Upon feeling a tap on my shoulder, I turned to see two redheads smiling widely at me. "He's George," one twin said, pointing to the other. The other then pointed to the first, "He's Fred." I looked bewilderedly between the two before replying with a shaky, "I'm Harry." "We know," they said simultaneously. I raised an eyebrow. A lot  to get used to.

-Ronald Weasley-

    I'd made friends with the most famous eleven year old to ever step foot in the Great Hall before classes had even started, so I knew for sure that this year would be a good one. I walked up to the stool after hearing my name called and looked out at the tables. Fred and George were already messing with Harry, I noticed as I saw the look Harry gave me as he nodded his head back slightly to my brothers. He mouthed a, "What in the world?" and shoveled some mashed potatoes in his mouth with his eyebrows still raised. I tried not to laugh as the hat was placed on my head.

"Another Weasley, eh?" the hat rang out. "GRYFFINDOR!" I scurried to the Gryffindor table and threw myself into the chair next to Harry before high fiving him, George, and Fred. "Sorry about the lunatics, mate. Those are my brothers. They don't know how to do anything other than prank innocent kids," I told Harry, giving George and Fred and pointed look. Harry sighed in relief; he must've thought they were crazed fans or something.

-Cassiopeia Shane-

Thank Merlin Draco was placed in Slytherin. I would hate for him to have to go through what I went through. The hat did sort him very rapidly, though. I hope he isn't actually like our father...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2019 ⏰

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