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AFTER YOUR'S AND ETHAN'S INTERACTING THE OTHER DAY you haven't seen ethan the same. to you he was always the kid you fell in love with years ago but had to forget when he told you he had his firsts kiss in 2008.

you thought "well i need a boyfriend to get my mind off him"
it never seemed to work though.
you would bounce from boy to boy and nothing ever seemed to get your mind off him.

that was until you met your mystery.
you kept them on the dl & never told a soul what you were doing.
you knew that if he knew that it would break his heart,
break his heart more than it's already broken.

she said "it's not now or never wait 10 years, we'll be together" ethan spoke reading his text messages to grayson. grayson just shook his head and said "you're oblivious" ethan ignores him and kept on reciting the text.
i said "better late than never, just don't make me wait forever"

don't make me wait forever....
don't make me wait forever....

the less i know the better  ˻ethan dolan˼✔︎Where stories live. Discover now