5: Preparations 💉

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It was close to a month since you first saw Missi. You tried to go see her as often as you could, once a week at the most. Over time, you started to feel strange. During the day, you would feel very tired and drained, even if you hadn't seen Missi the night before. Was she draining energy from you? But every time you would visit her, you spent the next day feeling much more energetic. It was like something inside of you was craving Missi's attention, almost like a spell, and you couldn't get enough of it.

Music name: Cemetery steps by dark music specialist


10:00 pm

You were walking through your normal path in the woods, going to see Missi again. Looking up at the sky, it was cloudy, but the light of the moon still guided you. The sounds of the woods were all around you, rustling of grass, howling of wolves but you knew where to go. As you continued on your path, you look up to see the moon disappearing behind the clouds, leaving the area dim around you. You couldn't quite see as well anymore, but you knew where to go. Hearing the wolves howl made you anxious though. As you got closer to the mansion, you heard another howl, this one sounded closer. You stop in your tracks and turn around, seeing a wolf with its eyes on you.

You slowly started to back away, but you saw more wolves come around, all locking their eyes on you. You were starting to panic, you could run, but that might provoke a chase, but Missi's place was so close by. You took the risk and started running, the wolves giving chase, all growling as they locked onto you. You let out a scream, hoping Missi would hear you. While you were running, you felt your foot get caught on a branch, making you trip forward, flat on your face. Seeing the wolves close in on you, you mentally crossed your fingers for someone to save you.

Almost like a miracle, you saw Missi in her shadow form emerge from the darkness of the woods. She swept over you, attacking the first wolf that had almost pounced you. She swung it around like a rag doll to the other attacking wolves, eventually the tail would be ripped off, blood gushing from the wound. In just the blink of an eye, a wolf tried to jump on her, but being so fast, Missi gripped the wolf and tore out the rib cage, the other wolves whimpered in fear and scattered away.

It all happened so fast, you were just standing there in a daze. You snapped out of it when you heard Missi speak. "(Y/n), (Y/n), wake up! Are you alright?" You blink and shake your head, seeing Missi standing in front of you, her dress splattered in blood. "Y-Yeah, I'm fine, thank you." She reached out her hand and you grab it as she helped you up. You dusted the dirt off your clothes, checking your body for any wounds, thankfully there were none.

"Ugh, I loved this dress.." Missi groaned in frustration, looking at the blood stains on her dress. You sigh a little. "Sorry about that..." Missi shrugged it off. "It's not your fault, I just need to figure out something else to wear for the showdown." You raise a brow and look at her. "Showdown?" Missi handed you a poster, it had two people dancing on it, written in red: "BRB: Duke. Get ready for: Dance Showdown."

"Is this from that Duke guy?" You hand the poster back to Missi, the two of you walking back to the mansion. "Yup, of course I'm going, it's in two nights." This intrigued you. "Is that so? Are you going to want a date?" She looked over at you, putting her arm around your shoulders. "I was going to ask you the same thing!" The two of you laugh for a bit, Missi kissing your cheek playfully. "I need to figure out something to wear." You said to yourself as you two enter the house. Missi sighed a bit as she looked at the bloodied dress. "Perhaps you can figure it out soon, but do you mind helping me out with a new outfit?" You thought for a bit, then agreeing. "Sure, lets do it."

Music name: Mittsies- Vitality


After searching through the closets and finding nothing suitable, you two decided to create your own. You spent probably hours on the sketch alone. "Hmm, do you want to go for sleeves or no?" Missi chimed in to comment. "I'm leaning toward sleeveless, my arms have gotta breathe." You nod and write that down.

Finding all this fabric laying around was a blessing, making the dress could be a breeze. After measuring Missi's body, you trimmed out the pieces from the fabric. After a few tweaks,(and looking for a sewing machine) you and Missi started sewing the pieces together.

Missi was now wearing the new dress, you stitching on smaller details. Missi slipped on some gloves, putting some gold earrings on her ears. "Alright, i think we're good." Missi turned around, letting you have a full look at her new dress. "What do you think?" You nod in approval. "I love it, but it needs something..." You rummage through a drawer, finding a bat hair clip. You grabbed a handful of her hair, putting it into an updo. "Perfect, how do you like it?" Missi smiled and twirled her dress. "Can't exactly look in a mirror, but i certainly feel good." She chuckled a bit, and you chuckle back. "Thanks for helping me." Missi approached you and gave you a hug, you returned it. "Glad I could help. Now i need to figure out on outfit for me..."

Night of the showdown...

You knock on Missi's door, finally ready to go to the big showdown. You adjust the (f/c) suit you were wearing, making yourself presentable. You were her date, after all. Missi opened up the door, greeting you with a smile. "Hey, (y/n), come on in." She opened the door wider as you walked inside, closing the door behind you. "So how are we going to get there?" You raise a brow at Missi. Missi held up a finger for her to signal you to wait, picking up her cane and twirling it, a portal suddenly appearing in front of her. "Here we are, right this way." Missi started to walk towards it, but you were cautious. "I-Is it safe?" Missi turned around to look at you, reaching her hand out. "Of course, don't you trust me?" As questionable as that statement would be, you did wholly trust Missi to not put you in danger. "Of course." You grab her hand, the two of you jumping into the portal.

// Phew, wanted to get a chapter out before the showdown!

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