First In Best Pants

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Flourish and Blotts was simply crowded with people as Felix Hilt made his way through the maze of people, eager to see Gilderoy Lockhart with his very own eyes. Felix had read all of his books and had the whole collection, and he wanted to be the first to get them signed. Felix had a huge crush on Gilderoy, he had since the first time he picked up his books, and he wasn’t ashamed of it.

The young, freckled brunette boy had managed to push past to the front. He could barely contain his excitement. He had brought has many books as he could fit in his hands and rucksack for Mr. Lockhart to sign.

‘Felix! Save me some room!’

Jessica, Felix’s curly headed best friend cried from the crowd. The skinny girl pushed her way through the crowd just as Felix had done, to stand next to him.

‘How were your holidays?’ She asked eagerly, dark brown curls still jumping.

‘Exceptional!’ Felix grinned extensively. ‘What about yours my dear Jess?’

‘Fantastic!’ The young girl grinned back. ‘But I simply cannot wait for fifth year to start!’

‘And Gilderoy is teaching!’ Felix squealed.

The pair sighed and leaned on each other, Jessica’s glasses nearly falling off on the process.

‘Ladies and gentleman!’ a small, stout man from the front yelled. ‘Gilderoy Lockhart!’

Many gasps and sighs erupted from the crowd as the handsome, ginger man stepped out from the bookshelves in a rather obnoxious suit, but the gasps from Jessica and Felix would have to have been the loudest as the best friends continued to lean on each other and stare at their celebrity crush in awe.

In fact, the pair were so wrapped up in their ginger Ken doll, that they completely ignored Harry Potter stepping up to get a photograph.

However, another being checking out Gilderoy happened to catch Felix’s eyes. Christen Gash, a boy in Felix’s year. The boys were barely introduced, but they had one big thing in common that only one of them knew about.

Christen knew that Felix was gay, as Felix was very open about it. Christen admired Felix for that, but he was not quite ready to take the leap. So instead, Christen continued to stare at the extremely attractive Gilderoy Lockhart.

Christen hid behind his blonde hair as he noticed Felix. Felix’s blue eyes met with Christen’s green ones, but it didn’t last long. The boys quickly turned away from each other, both embarrassed, and looked at Mr. Lockhart instead.


Before Felix knew it, he was piling his stuff onto the Hogwarts train, ready to start his fifth year.

He heard Casey, Drew and Jessica before he saw them. They were all squealing from inside one of the train booths.

Felix swung the doors open dramatically.

‘Hola ladies!’ He greeted, strutting in to sit next to Jessica.

‘Oh my God, Felix, you won’t believe what happened over the holidays!’ Casey squealed, flipping her blonde locks back and leaning on her knees.

Felix clapped excitedly.

‘What happened?’ He asked.

‘Chase finally kissed me!’ She squealed, clapping her hands.

‘Congrats girlfriend!’ Felix said excitedly, clapping his hands again. ‘Happy for you, babe!’

Meanwhile, Christen was comfortably seated in the corner of an empty booth, peacefully reading Magical Me by Gilderoy Lockhart, for about the thirtieth-or-so time. He could hear the excessive squealing coming from the booth Felix, Drew, Jessica and Casey were in, but he tried his best to ignore it, as it was quite annoying.


Felix took a seat at the Hufflepuff table next to Casey. She hadn’t stopped talking about Chase for the entire train ride, but it didn’t really annoy Felix.

He never meant to zone out on his best friend, but Felix couldn’t help but notice the same boy he caught eyes with in Flourish and Blotts seated at the Gryffindor table. Felix was pretty sure the quiet boy’s name was Christen.

Oblivious to Felix’s bright eyes on him, Christen was still reading Magical Me. He had a habit of not being able to put it down, each time he re-read it.

This had been what caught Felix’s eyes for the second time. First, the mysterious Christen, who Felix had never even considered to be gay, was staring at Gilderoy Lockhart. Now, he had his head stuck in Felix’s favourite book.

No, Felix, he cannot be gay. Felix told himself. He is probably just interested in Gilderoy’s writing.

But the more that Felix ponded on this, the more it seemed unlikely. None of the other boys could even tolerate Gilderoy Lockhart. But in reality, it seemed unlikely to Felix that any guy like Christen would read that book, but there he was. The other Gryffindor boys were laughing at him, but Christen ignored them.

Professor Dumbledore stepped up onto his famous podium and everyone fell silent.

As usual, Dumbledore welcomed us all, especially the First Years, reminded us all that the Forbidden Forest was, you guessed it, forbidden and ordered for the feast to begin.

Christen placed Magical Me on the table and bit nervously into a chicken drumstick, quietly observing the First Years by himself. Tony, Axel and Len, the Garth brothers, were laughing at him, but Christen was used to them by now. But even though he had taught himself to not care what people thought of him, he still wasn’t ready to take the next step of his sexuality.


Hey guys! Hope you have enjoyed the first part. Please rate, comment and share! Cx

Oh, and this story is dedicated to my best friend FreyaPheonix96 so go check her out too! She wanted me to write this :)

-Ze Meerkatgirl

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2014 ⏰

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First In Best Pants - A Gilderoy Lockhart FanFiction (gay)Where stories live. Discover now