Hey, get your finger outta there!
Yelled the voice shouting in the air
Don’t do it just anywhere
Folks freak out as they stare
But I can’t help but to pick ‘em out
For they affect me like a gout
The sticky, slimy mucus inside
Green, yellow, red that are dried
It gives me so much pleasure
I feel like finding a treasure
When you finally come out from the hole
I feel like dancing in rock n roll
Boogers can be squishy and slimy
Some are tough and crumbly
I like it best when flaky
Gosh, this sounds really grossy!
Everybody gets them,so no big deal
Booger is a sign of something real
That your nose is working the way it should
It means having boogers must be good.
So, hey sit and enjoy this time Nobody says it is a crime Take out those bloody slimy booger Wash your hands and exercise that finger.